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Well-Known Member
Things can of course always get worse. But I can't really overstate the benefits of knowing we already live in Hell:shrug:

It gives one a certain level of Zen.
Keep Calm Deep Breath GIF by Bitrix24

Speaking of which, thank you to the rest of America for dumping all your trash on the Sunshine State over the past 4 years. Both abortion protections AND legal weed failed in Floriduh.

I will note, they both got well over 50%. Gotta love "democracy"! Both of these would've passed 4+ years ago. So, less Floridians' fault and more New Floridians' fault. Also funny: the Amendment that requires Constitutional Amendments in FL to pass with 60% only received 57% of the vote.

It would've been nice to have a Recreational State in the South. But upholding the 6 Week abortion ban is fucking devasting. That's gonna kill people.


Well-Known Member
Ok well that Iowa poll lady was very wrong. This is who I'm getting my political analysis from now:

I guess refusing to distance yourself from your senile war criminal boss, a guy who had to drop out of the race due to being insanely unpopular, wasn't a winning strategy? Who could've seen that coming? :shrug:



Well-Known Member
My first presidential vote was in 1980. My team lost. Lost again in 84 and 88. I felt broken, frustrated, downtrodden, hopeless as a voter for a long time, especially with all the openly illegal shenanigans taking place in a part of the world I was invested in (Latin America) while no one seemed to give two hoots about any of it. What kind of country am I living in I asked. I've never stopped asking myself that question but I try to remember that once in a while the better of the two options wins an election and that the folks among whom I live and who don't vote the way I do (I live in red pa - oops sorry the whole messy glob is red now...) are the same ones whose kids played with my kids, who smile at me or hold the door for me as I enter a restaurant, who share small talk with me at the grocery store, converse with me over beers at the brewery, etc. They are by and large good folks, most of them better than I. But the reality of this country is that--again, by and large--engrained, local, low-level, narrow-sighted political thinking determines our aimless washing about. We are constantly awash. Never headed in an agreed-upon direction.

Like I was, my daughter is beginning her voting life at a time when one might find oneself questioning the ethos of the country she lives in and being stressed about it. I was concerned but she attends a liberal college. She told me today that her profs have been super supportive and nurturing to their students, who are just now entering into the dark matter of u.s. politics. We're fortunate for that. I told her to cherish and to remember the moment.


Well-Known Member
My first presidential vote was in 1980.

That was also probably your most important one to be honest. I don't even think it was lost that November. It was lost when Teddy Kennedy killed that girl. He was the last serious Democrat offering something other than austerity and neoliberalism. Failed to primary Carter and the rest is history. The country/world never recovered.


Trump became much LESS popular over the past 4 years. It's just that no one was buying what Kamala was selling.

Simplest explanation... running like a moderate Republican in a failed attempt to get suburban Republicans to vote for her depressed the Dem base. There was a lot of enthusiasm over the summer, and she totally bungled it.


Well-Known Member
Bernie is fucking done with Democrat bullshit. He's been warning about this for over 10 years. The biggest reason why voters rejected the current administration: wages have not kept up with the cost of living.

Frankly these are issues that predate 2024 or 2016. It goes back to 2009 when Obama bailed out the bankers and left their victims to drown.



Step One: every single Democratic Party consultant and apparatchik must be banned from politics forever. Go enjoy the fruits of neoliberalism, working for $15 an hour at an Amazon Gulag, packing up treats for make-work lanyard wearers :goon:
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Most people believe Jimmy Carter was some sort of Left Winger. Nothing could be further from the truth.


1976: win as a moderate Republican vs Nixon's unelected VP
1980: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
1984: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
1988: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit

1992: win as a moderate Republican because Ross Perot split the vote
1996: win as a moderate Republican because Ross Perot split the vote

2000: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
2004: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit

2008: run with populist messaging and a charismatic leader, win
2012: smaller win with a charismatic leader

2016: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit
2020: barely win because Trump got COVID during early voting
2024: run as a moderate Republican, eat shit

Liberals: you have to run as a moderate Republican, it's the only way to win! :bang:


Well-Known Member
But they are moderate republicans. They do have a right wing political orientation : they just sugarcoat free market and capitalism.

This is true. I'm just using common American political slang here. From 1932 through the mid 70's Democrats were New Deal Liberals. A more Keynesian economic ideology that sought a fairer distribution of resources between Capital and Labor.

Then that piece of shit Milton Friedman came around. Democrats became Neoliberals, believing that virtually every policy should be written to benefit corporations and the wealthy over Labor.

I recommend the article. The dynamics that played out in America during the 70's were also happening across the globe.

I agree that Democrats are irredeemably Right Wing. But Liberals claim they MUST run that way instead of running a Progressive/populist campaign. Otherwise they'll lose. But they fucking lose all the time anyway.
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Yes. CNN and MSDNC are almost as untethered from reality as Fox, and much less entertaining.

My controversial opinion: if Tim Walz went on Rogan, there's a good chance they would've won. Rogan would've loved the guy. It at least would've split the podcast idiot vote :shrug:

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I don't know if in the us you can read this :

This is Israeli police arresting two French policemen that were accompanying a French minister in Jerusalem.
The arrest happened hours after Trump has been elected.

In the video an Israeli policeman does a very quick move that knock the French down for a few seconds... very serious skills.
Note how amateur look the frenchies.

I'm not sure why there are French territories in Jerusalem outside of the embassy though... something to do with former colonialism ?


Well-Known Member
1 in 15 Americans live in a household with an undocumented immigrant. That's a lot of doors that are about to be kicked in.

But America is a country made up of little Hitlers. So, they don't care. They're gonna care for another reason though.

Basically, this plan will crash the economy.

Also "funny". Many people bought into the bullshit that deporting 10 million people will make homes affordable again. While not understanding that the construction industry relies on undocumented workers to survive.


Well-Known Member
The story about "pogroms" in the Netherlands is a bit more complicated than the media is reporting.


I got a question. If Russian soccer fans went to another country, and started chanting, "Why is school out in Ukraine? Because we killed all the children there!"... how do you think that would play out?


Well-Known Member
If you want to understand the latest election, don't barbeque your brain with CNN for hours. Take 5 minutes and watch this video from 21 years ago.

I've heard, "if Bernie is right, why didn't he win the Democratic Primary?"

Because the Democratic Party doesn't exist to beat Republicans. They're terrible at that. They exist to prevent guys like Bernie from taking power. Because Republicans don't threaten their donors. But Bernie does.


Well-Known Member

First of all. Joe Biden: do the honorable thing, climb to the top of the Washington Monument. And jump off. You are maybe the most embarrassing failure in American history.

If Joe had an ounce of shame:
loop spoilers GIF

Second of all. THIS is how I find out the Netherlands still has a king in 2024? This dumb fuck just compared a bunch of racist soccer hooligans getting beat up to the Holocaust? I feel like I'm going insane.

Again. If Russian soccer fans went to Amsterdam and started chanting about killing Ukranian children, no one would shed a tear if they got the shit beat out of them.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member

If there's some silver lining for Libs this week it's that Trumpism does not work without Trump. TV Country loves their TV President :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Mexico. A country that is 95% Catholic. A country that's so misogynistic they literally have a femicide problem....elected a Jewish Leftist woman with like 60% of the vote. In no small part because she's doing shit like this:

Their government is solving the housing affordability crisis by building a million new homes and offering 0% mortgages.

She's also doing a massive program to offer free in home healthcare for the elderly and disabled. As well as free preventative care, vaccines, and surgeries for every citizen.

We're a few years away from Mexico finally paying for that Wall after all. To keep us out :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Don't blame anyone on the Democratic team. I disagree with Bernie on that. I don't blame repub voters either. They voted as instructed. We've all heard >10 years of biased disinformation and propaganda from Fox "NEWS" thanks to the old oligarch, Murdoch. I always wondered why they are so biased. Now I know. Lately the evil genius Oligarch Musk invested $44B and a lot of time and devious planning to twist Twitter into a pro-fascism, white supremacy site, apparently to influence the 2024 election. Turns out they both have a scandalous history with Russia.

JDVance just let it be known yesterday that unfettered access of X to the EU is a condition for NATO to continue, if I heard him right. IMO Putin has kompromat on Trump, Murdoch and Musk. Putin has a ton of dirty money which is only good for coercion, destabilization of democracies worldwide, etc.. Undone by foreign adversary via our two most powerful media outlets!! It's a sad time for the good old USofA!!

Edit: I tried to tone it down. I know it upsets some folks in this fine site. Sorry.
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