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Intel’s Multi-Billion Bait And Switch
The chip manufacturer cheered on a $76 billion subsidy package for the industry, then announced capital spending cuts and mass layoffs while maintaining payouts to shareholders.

And yet, those critics were ignored by politicians and pundits of both parties eager to shovel federal money to a handful of powerful tech companies. Indeed, when Sen. Bernie Sanders (Ind.-Vt.) attempted to attach conditions to those subsidies — including a ban on stock buybacks, a cap on executive pay, a government equity stake, and union neutrality provisions — he was thwarted by Democratic leaders.
I can fully understand why politicians on both sides of the aisle hate Bernie Sanders. He said, if we give chip manufacturers a 76 billion dollar blank check, they will funnel that money to shareholders and fuck over their employees. And sure enough, he was 100% correct. But scumbag politicians don't like being called on their bullshit.
This is why I've checked out of caring about politics very much. Regardless of who's in power, The Machine keeps running as designed. Funneling money to the already rich, and fucking over workers. For the most part we vote on if the ruling party will virtue signal to the people who watch CNN (owned by billionaire Ted Turner) or Fox News (owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch).