Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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During that election, Trump kept blaming those deaths on immigrants. When we let the Sackler Family avoid prison AND keep the billions they made murdering more Americans than the Nazis in WWII.

I for one am done pretending like murdering people with PDF's is somehow more humane than murdering them with bullets.

Also, another good reminder of why I'll never, ever vote for Mayor Pete. You couldn't pay me. Even to "sAvE dEmOcrAcY". He was a member of a terrorist organization that murdered more Americans than Al Qaeda.

Dangerous Terrorist 👇



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The founder of a “socialist apparel” brand who has called online for the death of corporate executives is planning to sell a deck of cards of “most wanted CEOs” — complete with names and faces and decorated with illustrations of gun range targets.
He said it was inspired by the “most-wanted Iraqi” playing card decks famously distributed to US and coalition forces during the 2003 invasion of Iraq to help identify key targets in Saddam Hussein’s circle.



Well-Known Member
Why do I never hear the people who cry and piss themselves over shoplifting talk about the rising corporate crime problem?


If an employee steals $100 from a cash register, they go to jail. If a corporation steals millions from their employees, they only have to pay the money back. And in virtually every case, less money than they stole!

When corporations kill people, it's not a crime. When corporations steal, it's not a crime. This is why I laugh at every person who whines about "Soros funded DA's" letting criminals go free. Put a red Bozo nose on your face. You're clowns.


Well-Known Member
These people are going to pick apart what's left of this country like vultures.

This is the problem with fucking Right Wing idiots who want a BUSINESSMAN to run the government like a BUSINESS. Governments aren't businesses. Government services don't need to make a profit. The Interstate highway system doesn't make a profit. It's infrastructure that facilitates a shit ton of economic activity though. JUST LIKE THE POST OFFICE!!!!

I also like that "Conservatives" want to destroy the oldest institution in this country so their rich friends can make a quick buck.


Well-Known Member
Nancy Pelosi, a dying 90 year old, worked from a German hospital to make sure a dying 74 year old took the highest ranking House committee position from the most popular Democrat with Americans under 40.

Democrats don't care about losing. They're fine with winning but ONLY if they can do so while running like 5% less evil Republicans.

Also, AOC looks like a fucking moron for ever playing ball with these absolute demons. She stood up at the DNC and said, "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are working tirelessly for a ceasefire". Dummy.


Well-Known Member

They're throwing terrorism charges at the guy!

Scared Horror GIF

Liberal Hero Alvin Brag may have bitten off more than he can chew here. The idea is that 🤌Mangione🤌 targeted the CEO to inspire copycats. Along with his manifesto, the widespread social media response is being propped up as evidence of this.

Here's the problem: the public response came before the manifesto. As soon as the public found out who the victim was, every non-millionaire knew exactly why he was targeted. And a huge percentage of them said, "I don't support murder, but that guy was a piece of shit :shrug:".

If the prosecution goes down this road, it opens this up to being a trial on the morality of America's for-profit health insurance system. Seems unlikely, because they'll stack the jury with the biggest Chuds from Long Island....but now there's a possibility Luigi walks.

Angry GIF

Also, just throwing this out there. Osama Bin Laden had a family and kids. He never personally murdered any Americans. But he was responsible for a lot of deaths.

Speaking of which, the incoming Administration is gonna send like half the country to Guantanamo

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Well-Known Member

Voters under 30 grew up doing school shooter drills. They've been told they have to accept multiple schoolchildren being murdered every few weeks to protect gunowners' little hobby. They've spent the last year seeing the Democrats help turn thousands of Palestinian toddlers inside out on their TikToks. Expecting them to clutch their pearls over the CEO of "Murdering Americans for Profit Inc." getting whacked is pretty silly.

The more amazing thing is that anyone told a stranger on the phone, "yes, I support this murder every politician and talking head is calling terrorism" on the eve of the Trump Administration taking over the Justice Department.
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Love that the mask has been completely ripped off of America. Now that the richest guy in the world is literally running the country. An illegal immigrant nobody voted for.



Well-Known Member
I've heard that we need to reduce the population to avoid a complete collapse of the global environment. Or, we need to prevent the developing world from reaching modern living standards. Neither is true.

How much growth is required to achieve good lives for all? Insights from needs-based analysis


Decent living standards isn't a primitive sustenance level life either. The authors' definition:

...but also the higher-order goods and services necessary for decent living: nutritious food, modern housing, healthcare, education, electricity, clean-cooking stoves, sanitation systems, clothing, washing machines, refrigeration, heating/cooling, computers, mobile phones, internet, transit, etc., of which billions are deprived.

This planet has the resources and the productive capacity to give 9+ billion people a high quality standard of living. But our economic system prevents this so a fraction of 1% can live like gods. And it would be one thing if this was sustainable. It is not. It's gonna get us all killed.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that we need to reduce the population to avoid a complete collapse of the global environment. Or, we need to prevent the developing world from reaching modern living standards. Neither is true.

How much growth is required to achieve good lives for all? Insights from needs-based analysis


Decent living standards isn't a primitive sustenance level life either. The authors' definition:

This planet has the resources and the productive capacity to give 9+ billion people a high quality standard of living. But our economic system prevents this so a fraction of 1% can live like gods. And it would be one thing if this was sustainable. It is not. It's gonna get us all killed.
The only thing I disagree with is that it isn't going to get us ALL killed. We are staring down several hundreds of millions or billions of excess deaths in the next few decades, but it won't kill us all. Seeing friends and family dying of climate-accelerated things (hurricanes and wildfires and tornadoes and floods and famine resulting from monocrop blights and freezing and burning to death as power is diverted away from homes and toward data centers during inclement weather) will likely increase the rage against the wannabe gods who pretend the world is zero-sum, and when they start escaping to Mars or the moon or their bunkers, they will lose lots of real control. People who are starving don't listen to their pretend kings in their lofty marble castles.

This is genuinely going to be the first global revolution in human history. It is the first time we will face such a catastrophic crisis around the world while having the ability to connect to each other across oceans and continents at the speed of thought. This is the first time since the recession of the last ice age that humans will be in an interglacial period that is NOT a healthy, stable climate, and Bezos can hold up his warehouse deeds against tornadoes but mother nature doesn't recognize ownership like that, meaning this is the first time in several thousands of years where power globally will be destroyed. This is our opportunity to begin deciding *for ourselves* what to produce, and how much, and where the things we produce should go, rather than deferring to assholes who wield the Divine Algorithm to decide to make another million plastic tchotchkes and then advertising them and artificially creating demand so people think the only way they can be happy is with BusTy Anime Figurine #47.

Change is coming, friends. Big change is coming. We've been denied our revolutionary birthright by a handful of powerful families for centuries, but they aren't as powerful as they think they are, and we are all about to realize that any power we let them wield was, in fact, allowed, and will be allowed no longer.

Edit: thanks for the article btw! Reading now!
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Well-Known Member
The Feds have charged him now too. The ruling class wants to kill this guy.

Nintendo Switch GIF

I'm against the death penalty. I'm against the extrajudicial assassination of CEO's. But Brian Thompson killed more Americans than Bin Laden so he could get rich.


Well-Known Member
Insane article.


How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge

This is months into his term. He decided to run for a second term YEARS after this:

Over the next four years, when you get angry seeing Trump dismantling this country and selling it off to his rich buddies, let me tell you who you should be mad at:

NOT the media, who helped cover up that Joe was a drooling dementia patient since at least 2019.

No. You should be mad at Obama, who was so terrified of a Sanders Presidency that he engineered his loser white DEI Vice President becoming the nominee in 2020. And every member of the Biden Admin who allowed this dementia patient to run for a second term.


Well-Known Member
Dana Carvey and David Spade interview Dr. Steven Greer about what is going on with those things in the sky. It's so hard to know if anyone who says anything should be believed/trusted, so I'm not saying there's a way to verify what this guy is saying. It's an interesting discussion, either way.
But, if he is correct, we should definitely be hoping the "Non-Human-Entities" win. Because then we all win.

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