Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


(zombie) Woof.
I'd rather no one die of this pox.
Yeah, so all 8 billion of us can continue live together forever (medically, of course 😉) in "perfect harmony" caring and sharing like usual.... on what planet (and with which species)...?

It is very sad to me to think that someone I generally respect might think that "freedom" should mean that one is free to murder the people in line next to you as well as potentially their children. That is not freedom. That is selfishness and a total lack of responsibility, and dare I say humanity.

It is hard for me to say there is much difference in my mind between someone who refuses vaccination for Covid and wearing a mask and someone firing a gun into a crowd of people. The biggest difference, so far, is that the person with the gun can be prosecuted.
again, putting words in my mouf (which I also find very "sad")... a "boomer" tradition? methinks so...

I've done my "reply" duties here... you "boys" have at it. I'll go get baked.

EDIT: "Virtue-Signalling"
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Putin is a War Criminal
And given how angry he gets whenever a reporter asks if he's vaccinated, I would bet my bottom dollar that he and his entire family have been vaccinated for months. He just doesn't want his audience to know. At least the Heaven's Gate cult leader had the decency to drink the koolaid along with his followers.
As Steve Schmidt points out in his thread that I linked to above, Tucker could not work at Fox News if he were not vaccinated.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

He shoots, he scares! Toyota’s basketball robot steals the show at the Tokyo Olympics

A 6′ 10″ basketball-playing robot sank a series of deep three-point shots and a half-court shot during halftime of the Men’s Preliminary Round Group B game between the U.S. and France on Sunday.


Microbe minion
Well! This headline certainly surprises me!

Tobacco firm Philip Morris calls for ban on cigarettes within decade​

The chief executive of tobacco business Philip Morris International has called on the UK government to ban cigarettes within a decade, in a move that would outlaw its own Marlboro brand.

Jacek Olczak said the company could “see the world without cigarettes … and actually, the sooner it happens, the better it is for everyone.” Cigarettes should be treated like petrol cars, the sale of which is due to be banned from 2030, he said.

I wonder what the evil plan is that's behind this headline!


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

Delta COVID variant symptoms: What to look for

By now, most of us know the traditional symptoms of COVID-19: Fever, cough and loss of taste or smell.

But the Delta variant of the virus – the version that accounts for as much as 80% of new cases in the U.S. – seems to present slightly different symptoms, according to researchers.

“It seems like cough and loss of smell are less common. And headache, sore throat, runny nose, and fever are present based on the most recent surveys in the U.K., where more than 90% of the cases are due to the Delta strain.”


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

Scientists in Morocco unearth Stone Age hand-axe dating back 1.3 million years

Archaeologists in Morocco have announced the discovery of North Africa's oldest Stone Age hand-axe manufacturing site, dating back 1.3 million years, an international team reported Wednesday.

The find pushes back by hundreds of thousands of years the start date in North Africa of the Acheulian stone tool industry associated with a key human ancestor, Homo erectus, researchers on the team told journalists in Rabat.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

Large study finds COVID-19 is linked to a substantial deficit in intelligence

People who have recovered from COVID-19 tend to score significantly lower on an intelligence test compared to those who have not contracted the virus, according to new research published in The Lancet journal EClinicalMedicine. The findings suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can produce substantial reductions in cognitive ability, especially among those with more severe illness.


Putin is a War Criminal
I didn't read the study but I wonder if they somehow factored out the generally lower intelligence, without the covid effect, of the people in the after covid sample? In other words, if it is true that people who don't get the vaccine are less intelligent than people that do generally in the population, that could interfere with the value of any conclusions the study might make, and that might be difficult to account for.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read the study but I wonder if they somehow factored out the generally lower intelligence, without the covid effect, of the people in the after covid sample? In other words, if it is true that people who don't get the vaccine are less intelligent than people that do generally in the population, that could interfere with the value of any conclusions the study might make, and that might be difficult to account for.

Although a small subset of 275 participants completed the intelligence test both before and after contracting COVID-19, the study mostly employed a cross-sectional methodology, limiting the ability to draw firm conclusions about cause and effect. But the large and socioeconomically diverse sample allowed the researchers to control for a wide variety of potentially cofounding variables, including pre-existing conditions.

In other words, no. For the most part these tests were conducted after infection. And it doesn't surprise me at all. Brain fog is one of the most commonly reported long haul COVID symptoms. COVID isn't a respiratory disease. It's a blood disease that attacks the lungs, but will also directly attack heart cells. It wouldn't shock me if it also attacks brain cells in more severe cases.

This is reason #121 why I got vaxxed even though I'm in an age cohort that's unlikely to die from it. It was never the dying that worried me It's the long term effects of a novel disease. Like getting dumber.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Today (8/6) is the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima

76 years after Hiroshima, American survivors remind us all wars hit home

When the B-29 known as “The Enola Gay” flew in the sky over Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, people beneath the now-famous bomber were not only Japanese or Koreans. They were also Americans whose fate was about to be drastically changed by the first nuclear attack against civilians in history.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Today (8/9) is the 76th Anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
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