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Putin is a War Criminal
Lol... surprised I haven't dropped dead yet, I guess.
I'm sure we are all happy you have not dropped dead, or even gotten sick. However your individual good luck says nothing about the danger or virulence of this highly contagious and deadly disease, and pretending it is a conspiracy theory like QAnon serves nobody, including the cultists themselves. Over 630,000 Americans have died of this disease, and if we just quit pretending and treated it with the caution and "respect" it deserves we might have saved half of them, and most of those that are still to die. I mean, Jesus Christ, how fucking hard is it to wear a mask? Fear of the vaccine is nothing but paranoia or political stupidity.


Westchester, NY
I wonder if motorcycle accidents "spiked", as well...:hmm:

I think we need an expensive taxpayer funded study to figure that one out

I'm sure we are all happy you have not dropped dead, or even gotten sick. However your individual good luck says nothing about the danger or virulence of this highly contagious and deadly disease, and pretending it is a conspiracy theory like QAnon serves nobody, including the cultists themselves. Over 630,000 Americans have died of this disease, and if we just quit pretending and treated it with the caution and "respect" it deserves we might have saved half of them, and most of those that are still to die. I mean, Jesus Christ, how fucking hard is it to wear a mask?

I dont even know what a QAnon is or what cult its involved with.

Wear a mask or dont, up to you. Personally, I didn't even pack a mask.


Well-Known Member
All of South Dakota has a population of 800,000. I'm sure temporarily almost doubling the population of the State temporarily increased both traffic incidents and disease transmission.

Also kind of crazy that my smallish metro area has more people than an entire State.
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Westchester, NY
This is fascinating

Modnote: Anti-vaxx articles removed. Don't post that shit here.
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Well-Known Member
A couple things. The UK currently has a similar number of daily COVID deaths/cases as Florida, despite having 3 times as many people. They have also vaccinated a higher percentage of their population. The report discussed in Mr. Waldburger's substack covers Delta deaths from February to the end of July. The UK's vaxx strategy was to jab the oldest people first. Given that they're also the most likely to die from Covid regardless of their vax status, this report isn't shocking.

I found a link in the comments section of that substack from a bioinformatics professor breaking down the numbers.

Significant proportions of people admitted to hospital, or dying from covid-19 in England are vaccinated—this doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work

Data from Public Health England suggest that being double vaccinated reduces the risk of hospital admission with the now-dominant delta variant by around 96%. Even conservatively assuming the vaccines are no more effective at preventing death than hospital admission (actually, they are likely to be more effective at preventing death) this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile.

However, the 20-fold decrease in risk afforded by the vaccine isn’t enough to offset the 32-fold increase in underlying risk of death of a 80-year-old compared to a 45-year-old. Given the same risk of infection, we would still expect to see a higher proportion of double-vaccinated 80-year-olds die from covid than unvaccinated 40-year-olds. There are caveats to that simple calculation. The risk of infection is not the same for all age groups. Currently, infection rates are higher in the young and lower in older age groups.

However, given the UK’s vaccination strategy (vaccinate older, more vulnerable people first) and uptake profile (higher uptake in older groups), you would expect high proportions of the people who die from covid to have been vaccinated. And that is exactly what we see in the data.


Westchester, NY
A couple things. The UK currently has a similar number of daily COVID deaths/cases as Florida, despite having 3 times as many people. They have also vaccinated a higher percentage of their population. The report discussed in Mr. Waldburger's substack covers Delta deaths from February to the end of July. The UK's vaxx strategy was to jab the oldest people first. Given that they're also the most likely to die from Covid regardless of their vax status, this report isn't shocking.

I found a link in the comments section of that substack from a bioinformatics professor breaking down the numbers.

Significant proportions of people admitted to hospital, or dying from covid-19 in England are vaccinated—this doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work

Data from Public Health England suggest that being double vaccinated reduces the risk of hospital admission with the now-dominant delta variant by around 96%. Even conservatively assuming the vaccines are no more effective at preventing death than hospital admission (actually, they are likely to be more effective at preventing death) this means the risk of death for double vaccinated people has been cut to less than one-twentieth of the value for unvaccinated people with the same underlying risk profile.

However, the 20-fold decrease in risk afforded by the vaccine isn’t enough to offset the 32-fold increase in underlying risk of death of a 80-year-old compared to a 45-year-old. Given the same risk of infection, we would still expect to see a higher proportion of double-vaccinated 80-year-olds die from covid than unvaccinated 40-year-olds. There are caveats to that simple calculation. The risk of infection is not the same for all age groups. Currently, infection rates are higher in the young and lower in older age groups.

However, given the UK’s vaccination strategy (vaccinate older, more vulnerable people first) and uptake profile (higher uptake in older groups), you would expect high proportions of the people who die from covid to have been vaccinated. And that is exactly what we see in the data.

Thats also very interesting. Admittedly I didn't look into the comments so I didn't dive that deep - but you're probably right. At the end of the day somebody is paying for these reports and studies and I'm suuuure there is influence there as to what is "concluded." Goes for both sides of everything... not just covid.

Good catch/point though, also typically why I would avoid re-posting something from other countries

Was a little distracted with the current tragedy in afg.


Microbe minion
I was just about to reply with something similar @florduh we've always expected protection to decrease with time, and as that happens, the most vulnerable, i.e. the first to get double jabbed here, will gradually become more susceptible, but not to a point where is better to just not bother!

Any kind of mass gathering, in today's environment, is going to give an infection pressure to the local residents. Nobody can argue against that, especially with all the data that correlates with this assumption.


Well-Known Member
Thats also very interesting. Admittedly I didn't look into the comments so I didn't dive that deep - but you're probably right. At the end of the day somebody is paying for these reports and studies and I'm suuuure there is influence there as to what is "concluded." Goes for both sides of everything... not just covid.

Good catch/point though, also typically why I would avoid re-posting something from other countries

Was a little distracted with the current tragedy in afg.

Oh no worries. I'm not really smart enough to interpret data like that so I was curious what an expert on using math and biology had to say about it. Also sort of crazy that the 20 fold decrease in risk from the jab isn't enough to negate the 32 fold increase in risk from being older.

In the early Spring after retirees here in FL were all vaxxed up, they started going hog wild. Basically this South Park clip...



Well-Known Member
This summer, about half of US States ended the Federal $300 per week unemployment benefit early. The thinking was, if we reduce the amount of money the unemployed receive, there will be a spike in employment. A few months down the line, we now know this strategy was a failure.

There was a tiny uptick in employment among some States that cut benefits. But it was so insignificant that reduced consumer spending from the unemployed caused the benefit cuts to almost certainly be a net negative for the economy.

State Payroll Data Shows No Employment Spike in States Cutting UI

The states that cut benefits the earliest had the lowest payroll growth among the four groups. The states that cut benefits in late June and early July led the pack, but the states that are scheduled to cut benefits in early September are only a slight tick behind them.

Overall, the states that cut benefits during or before the survey period saw their payrolls grow by 1.14 percent between May and July. The states that did not cut benefits during this period saw their payrolls grow by 1.09 percent. This 0.05 percentage point difference is not significant...

In total, then, these unemployment benefit cuts are only slightly increasing job finding among those who used to receive the benefits, and that job finding is coming entirely at the expense of other jobseekers. We did not increase employment. We just slightly changed the composition of it while dramatically reducing incomes and spending among the unemployed population.
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Putin is a War Criminal
These creatures scare the fuck out of me. Not just because they are so big, but because of their possible contribution to colony collapse in this country. If honeybee colonies keep being destroyed we are in serious shit as the agriculture community could be devastated. Most, or at least many crops rely on bee pollination for their survival. Last year in October they found a Murder Wasp colony that apparently had around 200 Queens still in development stages. They didn't know how many may have become adults, mated, and left the hive. That is some seriously scary shit. There is little in this article about the queens so I assume this was a more normal hive. At least I hope it was and large queen population in hives is unusual even for this species, but we don't really know enough about these wasps yet.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
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Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest. The only time I feel a measure of schadenfreude is when a public figure who has been spreading vaccine skepticism succumbs to COVID. To me, the normal people in their audiences who bought into their bullshit, decided not to get vaxxed and then died are victims. Our education system does a bad job at teaching students how to use the scientific method to separate bullshit from reality. When I see some normal person died after being lied to by influential public figure, my immediate emotions are fury and sadness.

On a positive note, if you've ever wanted to be a talk radio host, it's a worker's market right now. More and more openings every day.

Also, Science isn't the only subject we're bad at teaching in America. We do a pretty bad job at teaching history as well.
"The United States of Amnesia"


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