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(zombie) Woof.


Well-Known Member

Macbill's over here trying to give me a fucking heart attack first thing in the morning.

Here's a review of Floriduh's newest Laws:

Permitless Carry: Yep. I've always said the biggest Problem facing the Sunshine State isn't the lack of decent paying jobs. Or the unaffordable housing. Or the total collapse of our insurance market. Nope. The biggest problem is we don't have enough untrained hillbillies getting into shootouts at Publix.

More Trans Panic Bathroom Bullshit: Now if this person uses any restroom other than the men's room, she's going to prison. Very cool, normal stuff.


More Don't Say Gay Bullshit: Now, Florida teachers have to pretend gay and trans people don't exist all the way up through the 8th grade. Or they're subject to criminal and civil penalties.

More anti-immigrant bullshit: Florida already has seen construction grinding to a halt due to Meatball Rob's anti immigrant bullshit. Now, shit's about to get worse.

Again... this State ALREADY has a massive housing shortage. What a bunch of dumbfucks.

"School Choice" Scam: Funnel money from public education into dumbfuck religious schools. Cool. Floridians always seemed way too educated.

"Right to Discriminate" Law: Doctors now have the right to refuse care to those icky gay and trans people. Really COOL shit in 2023!

Woke Banking Ban: Prevents State pension funds from investing in WOKE companies. Like BlackRock. The Child Labor hedge fund. If BlackRock is too Woke...what isn't? They can only invest in like...Oskar Schindler's factory at the beginning of the movie (Schindler sadly went woke by the end of the movie though).

Radioactive Roads: Already covered.

Finally there are two laws where Rob gets down on his knees and sucks Elon's dick.

Me, to Meatball Rob and the entire Floriduh Legislature:

Serious Brian Cox GIF by SuccessionHBO


Active Member
Macbill's over here trying to give me a fucking heart attack first thing in the morning.

Here's a review of Floriduh's newest Laws:

Permitless Carry: Yep. I've always said the biggest Problem facing the Sunshine State isn't the lack of decent paying jobs. Or the unaffordable housing. Or the total collapse of our insurance market. Nope. The biggest problem is we don't have enough untrained hillbillies getting into shootouts at Publix.

More Trans Panic Bathroom Bullshit: Now if this person uses any restroom other than the men's room, she's going to prison. Very cool, normal stuff.


More Don't Say Gay Bullshit: Now, Florida teachers have to pretend gay and trans people don't exist all the way up through the 8th grade. Or they're subject to criminal and civil penalties.

More anti-immigrant bullshit: Florida already has seen construction grinding to a halt due to Meatball Rob's anti immigrant bullshit. Now, shit's about to get worse.

Again... this State ALREADY has a massive housing shortage. What a bunch of dumbfucks.

"School Choice" Scam: Funnel money from public education into dumbfuck religious schools. Cool. Floridians always seemed way too educated.

"Right to Discriminate" Law: Doctors now have the right to refuse care to those icky gay and trans people. Really COOL shit in 2023!

Woke Banking Ban: Prevents State pension funds from investing in WOKE companies. Like BlackRock. The Child Labor hedge fund. If BlackRock is too Woke...what isn't? They can only invest in like...Oskar Schindler's factory at the beginning of the movie (Schindler sadly went woke by the end of the movie though).

Radioactive Roads: Already covered.

Finally there are two laws where Rob gets down on his knees and sucks Elon's dick.

Me, to Meatball Rob and the entire Floriduh Legislature:

Serious Brian Cox GIF by SuccessionHBO
I'm half convinced that I'm living in a psy op. Only way to explain the dystopian regression that's been going on in politics.

On a more celebratory note:

Scientists Have Learned To Harness Humid Air Into Renewable Power

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'm half convinced that I'm living in a psy op. Only way to explain the dystopian regression that's been going on in politics.
If it is so, then it's going all around the world.

In France, a few days ago a police check in a sensitive urban zone turned badly. 17 years old driver got killed.
The cop said it was self defense, that the driver was rushing at them. Sadly there is a record where you can see the vehicle stopped, cop on the driver side, pointing his gun at the driver through its open window. The cop says "I will shoot you in the head", the driver accelerate and the policeman shot him dead.

The policeman is obviously going into legal troubles. But a crowdfunding has been raised to felicitate him for killing a teenager. It has now almost reached 700 000 € in less than a week.

To put it in one sentence :

France, 2023 : a cop who coldly execute a teenager from a disadvantaged area is awarded by his fellow citizens and will probably become millionaire.

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Active Member
If it is so, then it's going all around the world.

In France, a few days ago a police check in a sensitive urban zone turned badly. 17 years old driver got killed.
The cop said it was self defense, that the driver was rushing at them. Sadly there is a record where you can see the vehicle stopped, cop on the driver side, pointing his gun at the driver through its open window. The cop says "I will shoot you in the head", the driver accelerate and the policeman shot him dead.

The policeman is obviously going into legal troubles. But a crowdfunding has been raised to felicitate him for killing a teenager. It has now almost reached 700 000 € in less than a week.

To put it in one sentence :

France, 2023 : a cop who coldly execute a teenager from a disadvantaged area is awarded by its fellow citizens and will probably become millionaire.

Oh yeah, I'm from the UK. It really is everywhere
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(zombie) Woof.
"We have absolutely no idea why this happened," Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said during a late Monday night news conference. "This person decided to leave their home and target individuals."

Golly gee, I wonder why...?:hmm:
We asked Filippello what purpose such a powerful and brutally efficient weapon could have other than the mass murder of humans. “Well,” he began before a long pause. “The AR-15 comes in very handy with feral hogs, which are very destructive and very dangerous animals. The AR-15 gives you the capacity to put more of them down very quickly.”
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Fascist France : Episode 2

The cop who executed the teenager actually became millionnaire... The fundraising lasted exactly 4 days and reached 1.7 MILLIONS $.

He is rewarded by its fellow citizens for the intentional murder of a teenager that is actually French but whose grandparents were born in North Africa.

Even though I am typically caucasian and so are my wife and daughter, I have the feeling that my family and myself aren't safe anymore in this country... but I just don't know where to go. :(


Well-Known Member
Even though I am typically caucasian and so are my wife and daughter, I have the feeling that my family and myself aren't safe anymore in this country... but I just don't know where to go. :(

I'm sorry, brother. It seems like American Brainrot is spreading. Even Macron sort of sounds like fellow neoliberal Obama after the Ferguson uprising a decade ago. I keep waiting for him to invite the piggies and the protestors to Élysée for a "Chardonnay Summit".

Unfortunately I don't think there is anyplace to "go". I hope I'm wrong but I can only see things getting worse. Especially as climate change kicks off refugee crises around the globe in the coming decades. Fertile ground for fascists.

Here's some happier news:

Wisconsin governors have expansive partial veto power, and Evers got creative with his use of it in this budget. He crafted the four-century school aid extension by striking a hyphen and a "20" from a reference to the 2024-25 school year. The increase of $325 per student is the highest single-year increase in revenue limits in state history.

Republicans are mad they got owned. But.... there are economic benefits to having a more educated population.

As Saint Regan once said, "A rising tide lifts all ships". We know for sure that trickle down economics has failed. Let's give trickle Up economics a whirl instead.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

The letter from longtime Elon Musk attorney Alex Spiro alleged that Meta’s new Twitter clone was built by former Twitter employees “deliberately assigned” to develop a “copycat” app. Semafor was first to report on the letter.

LOL. LMAO. Everyone's favorite Business Genius fired most of Twitter's employees and stiffed them on their severance packages. What did he think was gonna happen?

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Fascist France : episode 3

A cop shot dead a young Guinean on his way to work.
It happened the 14th of June at 4 AM, with no witness. Nobody talked about it. Nothing mentioned in the news neither on social media.

It is revealing now because of the killing of the 29th (15 days later) mentionnée in my previous post.

In Germany the past ten years only one person got shot dead by police because he refused to cooperate.

In France these two pasts years, cops have shot dead one person a month with the same motive.

I really hope I won't publish much more episodes like this...


(zombie) Woof.
This is how "they" "roll" come harvest time up in Maine (play the video in the article):lmao::

Who ordered 4 fall guys...?:rofl:
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
He didn't just refuse to cooperate, but tried to flee in his car thereby hitting an officer with his car.
That's what the police report says. The report also says that he stopped at a red traffic light, which is a strange behavior when you're running away.
Autopsy revealed no drug and no alcohol. He had a legit driver license and residence permit. Most analysts can't find a way to explain his behavior.

At 4am there was no witness and the camera of the cop was turned off. So they can say whatever they want. And regarding the more recent events, I may be doubtful about police honesty...

About the death of Nahel (29th of July), the police report said that it was self defense before the video of the shoot gone viral on the internet. The officer was simply lying and the report was just a way to cover himself.
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