How did it get to $203 from $179.95 if it was tax free/ship free? What did I miss?
I've been using these things when I need to keep my stuff dry during wet adventures.So I plan on bringing my inh05 in the kayak with me for some fishing, anyone keep it in a watertight case? Was looking for something that would fit a jyarz, inh05, and maybe some other goodies, so it wouldn't have to be too big? Any ideas?
HOLY SNIKEYS!! I have gotten so caught up lately (3 months) with the higher temp range that I forgot how flippin tasty the lower range (350-370) can be!!Sorry I almost went for the Solo way back when I was transitioning but I bought the damn VB 2.0 deluxe PN's older bigger brother....then once I had my first experience with the Inhalater design....I never looked back....and it has become my in/out of house.... love and depend on this thing.... so I have more than one..... I think it safe to say that pretty much just about everyone that has compared the Solo to the Inhalator all seem to give the taste prize to the Solo but just barely.... I believe the comments are usually something about the good flavor doesn't stick around as long as it does with the Solo..... I also noticed many will follow that comment up with a tip of the hat going to Inhalater if they were to be talking about performance or cloud production.....
Now as for the INH05 S.... it is supercharged and therefore can give you some very tasty draws... even more so if you use the glass capsule but because it has so much power it can also over cook and ruin the taste of your herb if you forget to draw on it for too long of a period..... if this happens that supercharged heating chamber will roast your herb and scorch the insides of your capsule which will hurt the flavor of every refill until that cap is either replaced or cleaned completely....focusing on the inside walls....![]()
That's was exactly what I was about to post....I was glad to see you use the word scrape...... do yourself a huge favor and scrape the insides.... I use a tiny bamboo spoon stick that came with my VB 2.0 it works perfectly...... but whatever you use collect that resin because it is basically the very best concentrate that you will ever find..... as it is from condensed THC that has collected along the inside walls of the exit air path..... as it cools it will be harder but heat will make it a bit more soupy.....So I was wondering why I only noticed this thick flavour happening and have a hypothesis - when I first got the device I wasn't totally sure how to use it, and just kinda trial end errored it. I was also having problems with the heat, which goes away after some practice. To beat the heat I used a chuck of silicone whip. During travel and wandering around with civilians I've been putting the cap back on, and haven't used the whip for a couple of days. So removing the whip was what brought back the flavour and thickness. A quick check of the whip shows a lot of buildup in there, so time to give it a scrape and start scrubbing things down with Everclear when we get back to civilization...
I found a 3 pac of spare capsules in my travel bag so swapped yesterday morning, but the new one is plugged again. The draw is much less restrictive now, so I'm wondering if I had a blockage in an airway on the side of the unit before things cleared up the other day?
I'll try scraping these when we get home. If it's a pain I might just use the 'Shake em up in a vial with some Everclear' trick, and then put the tinted Everclear into a gomug of coffee and, umm, take the dog for a walk... C'mon 2015!
Do you use a water tool? Maybe some minor blowback pushed a little oil/debris the wrong way?
Charger IC specify up to 800mA charging current. Effective charging rate is lower
Overnight charging can supply a 10+ cycles
A 2 batteries charger/carrying case with an effective 1A charging rate will be available in 2 weeks.
What I do since basically this design is a portable log vaporizer... I roll it into a log then bath it in fresh herb.... I have heard others like to roll it in with there old each his or hers own I guess.... I like to pull in a tiny amount of herb to pad or buffer the screen then I draw in the log I made that has been rolled in herb...then draw in more fresh herb to fill in the rest of the cap......@Old School what do you do with your reclaim? Mix it with some herb and back into the 05? I made a small batch of QWISO the other day and mixed it with some high cbd herb. I put a small chunk in with some more herb and got some great hits. Wish I would have brought some with me to Cowtown for the holidays!
So I bought a05 and you are saying they did not work right so they bandaid it with a 05s ? I've gone threw the thread since ordering quite the manage of topix Curious why another round of s. Their still for sale I could not make up my mind which one
That little something missing....was not missing so much in my Q2 XP but went missing again in the Q3, Q4,Q1 and yes was still missing in the INH05....exchanging countless emails on the subject we basically concluded a possible theory that it may have been do to a slight decrease of convection as the chambers layout design was being fine tuned during each production run.....
The both of us feel this "S" version has found that missing ingredient.... Nicely done Inhalater.....
So I bought a05 and you are saying they did not work right so they bandaid it with a 05s ? I've gone threw the thread since ordering quite the manage of topix Curious why another round of s. Their still for sale I could not make up my mind which one
No No not a band-aid at all.... more a manufacture's continued natural evolution of a truly amazing hybrid design....we do love our hybrids these days... don't we.....ha haNo, the 05 works fine. I must admit I'm not entirely clear on the benefits of the S. But I've put my 05 through some paces, and it works great and has a very impressive temp range. You will dig it.
It has been extremely difficult to I mentioned we have exchanged countless emails were I have been trying to do that very I have had some practice.... ha ha ha ... however not sure if a single post will give it justice but I shall try....I read your post twice but I'm still not getting what the "missing ingredient" is. Can you articulate what it is that makes the S such an improvement over the 05, in your experience? You've got me curious now....