Merry Christmas FC followers...... My GF and I both got INH05 S's for Christmas and we just love them...
We were previous Q2 XP owners and have experienced Q3,Q4,Q1,05 and although there were improvements....there always seemed to be something missing.... just not quite the same....Greg and I have exchanged countless emails on the subject...... well my friends IMHO...the INH05 S delivers.....
I do believe I said the INH05 was a Monster......well the "S" is it's master....
It would appear that the dual chamber design of the "S" model kicks up the convection factor BIG time... so much so that I can feel it climb up my 4 inch glass caps during an inhalation so for some further cooling may become more of an issue with the "S"
However by the same token; if your after more stealth and flavor... the lower temps are also supercharged by the convection booster... your draw seems fuller yet it is still very thin and wispy and super yummy......
We prefer to start out around 4.5-5 walking our way up until everything has been extracted.....
The vapor is super full and plentiful especially if walking it up... I find it is good also to stay a bit longer along each step up....
I've also noticed that I was able to finish quicker.... I almost always have a 3rd run...occasionally even begin a 4th run....well with the "S" I found I was pretty much done in 2 runs
Not sure who it was that made the comment about wanting more of the "MoJo" well you are going to find it here with the "INH05 S" supercharged dual element design......
.................Tim the Toll man Taylor would be so proud....................