Ok this sucks all the sudden heard a pretty load click and my 05 shut down no lights nothings lug it in no charge light Is their a thermal safety that pops I had it at 8 maybe once she cools I'll try again odd. It started up again worked for 10 draws click. Off again won't turn on another 20 or 30 mins prob
OK...I'm not going to use words like "that is normal" however we should remember that this mod {although a manufacture mod} is basically an interim evolutionary step...introductory {beta if you will} and as such there will almost always be a little fine tuning required to sure things up......
I think the good news here is that this issue might be resolved with some simple adjustments....but rest assured they will figure it out as their track record reflects.....
I too have been able to get it to trip the thermal overload..... what a MONSTER this thing is.....
I do have to laugh a bit as the parity towards "Tim the Tool-man Taylor" is uncanny....he was always taking a perfectly good operating device and "Supercharging" it in some fashion and then it would always be a bit over board / over the top and something was always blowing up.....too funny....
Anyway it can be done with the INH05 S model....I find it happens more easily with the glass capsule as it does like to retain the heat quite a bit more than the Polymide caps.....
So a couple of things to look out for if/when this does happen...... IMPORTANT..!! it will reset and come right back on....and it knows no mercy....if you were on 8 or 9 when it happened {most likely} it is going to come right back on and run straight into 8 or 9 and if your not aware that this has happened.. You will surely kill what ever you left in your cap..... or it might be in your pocket {got me}
SO lets remember VERY IMPORTANT.!! if it trips the protection make sure to shut it OFF straight away..
Also I noticed that it cuts the charging as well so don't panic if you plug it in and it won't turn the charge light on right afterwards..... in fact I find it to be a great way to know it has reset now.....
I haven't been able to do it at will.... I'm testing now trying to figure out the best conditions to cause it to trip as this will usually help to understand the issue to either prevent or resolve it.....
I'll be keeping mine unless it really becomes a huge annoyance or inconvenience.... which so far it isn't.
Hows that old joke go...you say to the doctor "it hurts when I do this" and his reply is don't do that anymore as he gives you the bill........
I might suggest that we give them some time to analyze the best long term solution.... otherwise they will likely just go for the easiest fix of lowering the "Max Temp" setting.... which might even be the best solution short and long term...... dunno
I'm gonna play with mine for a while..... make sure you remember to shut it off if it happens again....