Review of the Indica vaporizer starting at temp #3 Green from a FULL charge. Ambient air temp 73 degrees (relative to heat up time). Same as 1st review, I loaded the chamber lightly (not packed) with .22 grams of sour diesel, same as before with the spacer pushed flush with oven.
As the last review, this is with the mouthpiece drilled out to 3/32nds with no screen.
Sessions were same as last review in 10 hit increments, but taking 12-15 second lighter draws than on the lower temps.
Waiting 15-20 seconds in between draws, waiting 1 hour between sessions, taking an extra hit after I turned the unit off after 10 hits to cool the oven.
Here is my second review.
1st session.
Temp #3 Green 376F- Heat up time was 58 seconds. First 2 hits, excellent taste but wispy vapor. Good increasing vapor production from hits 3 through 10. Taste is amazing and cool. Very nice. Very nicely medicated!
Session time was just under 6 minutes (5:50).
2nd session.
Temp #3 again (still was hitting great so I stayed on #3) Battery indicator light white. Heat up time was less for some reason, only 54 seconds this time. Great vapor and taste right from the start. still taking "harder light/lower medium" draws (much less restriction with my mouthpiece). Super happy with the vapor production and taste. Very medicated now.
Session time was just under 7 minutes (6:55) will bump up to #4 Purple for next session. Very happy with 20 hits on #3 (plus 2 cool down hits, one after each session with great taste and vapor)
3rd session
Temp #4 Purple 394F- heat up time was 1:10. Battery indicator light white. Pulled oven door off and poked the spacer into the chamber lightly. Great taste and vapor right from the start again. Taste and vapor production still very impressive. Unit is starting to get warm midway through session around hit 5 or 6, but not unbearably hot by any means. Super heady high, still going strong. Will try temp #4 again.
Session time was 7 min.
4th session
Temp #4 Purple 394F- Heat up time was 1:17. Battery indicator still white! Amazing taste and vapor from the get go, unit and mouthpiece get warm after 3rd hit, still not unbearable but worth mentioning. Vapor seemed to stay the same from middle to end of the end of the session. Not quite as tasty as 1st session on #4, but still very satisfied.
I feel like I should have gone to #5 halfway through the session, but got through happily and feeling great.
5th session
Temp #5 Red 412F- heat up time was 1:33. Battery indicator now green. Unit a bit warmer now. I slowed my draws, and waited 30 seconds in between hits. Great vapor! Taste is good (I normally don't go above 400 but still acceptable tasting) unit and mouthpiece got warmer on #5 but not unbearable, warmer but not hot. Vapor production still there, I just had to adjust my draws, and in between hit times. I was taking much lighter slower draws on #5.
Session time was 9:30.
Charge to full time was 1 hour 54 seconds.
Final thought on the Indica:
This vaporizer is awesome.
Amazing hits, great flavor and vapor production on any temperature.
Not really much to complain about without feeling like I'm nit picking.
The dual batteries let you vape a long time, I haven't had my battery indicator reach red yet.
Unit gets warm at high temps for long sessions, but still very tolerable.
If you do not use a screen, I would recommend running a bristled pipe cleaner with ISO through the tube after every few sessions (the sour D got it a little "residuey" after a few chambers full).
keep the air path clean and it will hit like brand new everytime.
I love the fact that with less than 1/4 gram you can get 40-50 great vapes off the Indica with phenomenal taste and vapor.
I would consider the Indica to be one of the top performing portable vaporizers out there.
From the very nice wooden box, to all the extra parts provided that you would normally loose.
The pure pleasure of the vaping experience and ease of use makes the Indica a winner IMO.
I did not expect to get the Indica and all its extras for $200.
It is an exceptionally affordable portable vaporizer with a lot of bang for your buck!
I give the Indica

I hope you liked my review. Remember results may vary depending on the quality and moist/dryness of your medicine.
If you liked my reviews of the Indica click here
http://www.indica2.com/ and order yours today.
I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my reviews. I hope you enjoy them and they were helpful to you.
Vape Dr.