It's not the design, it is all metal airpath. You simply received a defective unit. If you read through the thread you'll see there was QC issue recently, so there are still faulty units around. You are covered under warranty, Mike and the Indica team will take care of you as soon as they can. You can also see if BC Vapor will replace it for you themselves
Ya, just spoke with BCVapor and they seem really cool about it and said they will get to the bottom of it.
That's another one of the major reasons I went for this vape, was reading through some of this thread I saw that the owner (I'm guessing that who Mike is) actually comes in here and personally deals with his customers, which is awesome and says a lot.
I will read more through the there was a QC issue recently, so that makes sense, but for me to get one that's defective after what I've been going through with another vape recently that was also new...I just want TO VAPE SOMETHING NOW IN A GOOD VAPE, HELP

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