There will be 2,500 units in Denver for direct sale at the trade shows events in about 2.5 weeks. Though I have been hesitant to announce an actual shopping cart opening on the web site, I will tell you we are extremely close. I have intentionally built inventory for the upcoming events in Denver which has waylaid the amount of merchandise determined adequate to sustain a status quo in the Californian warehouse. Let’s just say the portal will be fully operational by the 2nd week in April. This 2.5-month extension from February was not anticipated. As FC forum members, you have been the only individuals that have had visibility to the ongoing ups and downs of the manufacturing and customer service needs to make this company run seamlessly.
When my expectations have been high, you’re the first to know. If a problem causing a delay arises, you’re also the first to know as well. The timing and numbers above are stated with a high level of confidence. As such, I’m hoping all of you that have been part of this journey, can also rest assured that these are firm dates for the retail side of the business sector.
Rizzo, all sales, be it at shows or online, all intergrade to the same system for drawing inventory and the accounting processes. As you have implied, it would be in my best interest to start generating revenue, but to have product on the market with out the full downstream support, be it software integration or customer service, would put the credibility of the company at risk. I’m targeting Indica to be a long term presence in the industry with a strong position of consumer confidence. Take a moment to see how we have updated the website to assist consumers regarding use of the product. This is just the beginning. If you are content with the Indica in the first week of ownership, it’s likely, you will be a overall content believer in the quality, performance and service my company provides.
Within 2 weeks, this chapter will be over, and I hope to begin discussing the next generation of product amongst the beta team since this is only the beginning.