Canadian lost in Europe
^ Papa how do you feel of Tubo vs Imp. Kinda want a Tubo for home use but don't know ifthe performance gap is big enough to warrant.
I cycle through my vapes but that is partly cuz the wife uses them too. At home I mostly use my mighty and tubo evic, out and about it's lil bud and imp. I like LB a lot, especially that I cant break it, but temperature control and the predictability of the Imp are making it my more used. The wife dislikes unregulated for sure so she mostly doesnt use LB. I also like the 14mm bowl more than I thought I would, it forces me to be more efficient but this thing still extracts every bit of it. Speaking of efficient, the M gets a whirl now and again but she is pretty clearly our least used.
I should probably add that part of the reason I use Imp more out and about is it feels more stable, less fragile and likely to succumb to my clumsiness. The mod though I'm certain I will drop and break but is relatively cheap.
Are you getting the high you want with the avb to match?
What firmware are you using? With surmyevic you adjust the TCR value to make the coil/air temperature match the goal temp. My P80 seems best at TCR 198. Once you have your TCR settled try adjusting where the air intake holes are, I find more even extraction when they face straight forward/backward.
Edit to add @Shit Snacks those are sweet. I haven't checked the site for a bit, are those from MV? Actually, maybe I dont wanna know unless they're free.
^ Papa how do you feel of Tubo vs Imp. Kinda want a Tubo for home use but don't know ifthe performance gap is big enough to warrant.
^ Papa how do you feel of Tubo vs Imp. Kinda want a Tubo for home use but don't know ifthe performance gap is big enough to warrant.
I'm using artifox latest firmware. Abv hasn't been consistent, sometimes it's ok others I get hotspots, others I have combust...still playing with it
The Imp compares very favorably. There isnt much performance gap, probably more of a personal preference.
I dont know about AF, but surmyevic has been very reliable for me. I feel like the interface on mods themselves are kind of wonky, but once you setup your tcr it works great.
Hello everyone, first post here !
How the Imp or the Impcognito preform in comparison to a Stempod ? The form factor of the Impcognito is really appealing for an on the go vape.
Does the air-flow more restricted than the Stempod ?
I love those convection design but I'm a little bit concerned about the glowing aspect and degradation of the coils. Is it possible to build a not-glowing coil with the Impcognito (I read that the recommended wattage is more around 25W which quite lower than the Stempod, maybe it's possible to get a no glow build without going too low in the wire gauge)
Not sure about airflow compared to the Stempod but I feel the Impcognito is pretty wide open. Airflow only comes through those 2 holes so maybe it's not quite as open as some other convection vapes but I don't really think it's a "restricted" airflow.
Having coils that don't glow was pretty important to me as well - I did mess with settings a bit, but I took my unit into a completely dark room and do not get any appreciable glow at the temperatures I use. I typically use 430F as my max temp and I wasn't able to see the glow at this temp in a completely dark room.
Hope this helps.
@RastaBuddha i don't know the airflow on the stempod but the Imp and Impcognito are similar. Each has 2 holes, the holes are 0.078"(2 mm) in diameter.
I can be more specific if there is something you want to find out about
Thanks for those answers, looks like the impcognito could be a good addition to my no combustion journey.
Are stems from a Stempod compatible with an Impcognito ?
Which stem design did you start with, O ring or ground glass?Woohoo, managed to modify my Imp and sanded the chamber so it takes 14mm and Arizer stems comfortably. Now for a 3D flow stem and 3 MV capsules!![]()
Hello everyone, first post here !
How the Imp or the Impcognito preform in comparison to a Stempod ? The form factor of the Impcognito is really appealing for an on the go vape.
Does the air-flow more restricted than the Stempod ?
I love those convection design but I'm a little bit concerned about the glowing aspect and degradation of the coils. Is it possible to build a not-glowing coil with the Impcognito (I read that the recommended wattage is more around 25W which quite lower than the Stempod, maybe it's possible to get a no glow build without going too low in the wire gauge)
great 14mm stem vape, small bowl and pure flavour
the 14mm stem bowl makes it easier to stir, needs only 1 stir per bowl