Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to cross post from the impcognito thread (there really should just be one thread for both since they are the same vape, just with different size shell/sleeve)
Got some new bent stems to try! My favorite option for glass vapes
Of course the second is much larger, but the first is super sleek and portable with a more acute angle (though the folds in the bend can get warm). I also have one like the long one that is cut right after the bend, have not tried that one yet, but these other two are great!
Also got a bloodwood mouthpiece to match my bloodwood Imp. Waiting on some cooling beads though, then I'll share that too along with the other bent stem. Trying different screen setup too, I have the normal basket in the big bent stem (not sure how I'm going to get it out...) while I put a flat screen in the smaller stem like this:
So I think it will be easier to poke this one out for replacing, there is a nice ledge for it to sit on and it fits very securely. Half inch size, slightly domed, so I think a 3/8 inch size would be more ideal...