I had another battery experience similar to my previous one. I put one of my oldest batteries (at least a couple of years old) into my SS IO and charged it internally. The charger behavior was different from any I have seen before. Normally the LED flashes once, then ~10 seconds pass before it starts blinking steadily. It then blinks once steadily until it is fully charged, at which point it starts blinking twice steadily.
With the older battery in place the LED blinked once, stopped for ~10 seconds and then blinked *once* again. It repeated this about 3 times, with about ~10 seconds between, before it started blinking once steadily and eventually reaching a full charge.
I powered the unit on and it immediately went to flashing LEDs indicating low battery.
I pulled the battery out of the SS IO and put it in an OG Hopper. I charged it internally. I got 8-9 draws before it indicated low battery.
I put it back in the IO, charged it, and again it immediately went to low power mode when I powered the IO on.
To complicate matters, the draws that I got from the OG Hopper were not very strong. I have been using the same OG Hopper with the AC adapter and it produces tons of vapor at temp 3.5. With the battery it produced much weaker hits.
So 1) this battery resulted in different charging behavior in the IO and 2) this battery allowed 8-9 draws in the OG but they were relatively weak.
I look at the second point and I wonder how often performance problems in the OG Hopper were caused by weak batteries, even though the battery may allow multiple draws on a single charge with no indication of a weak battery other than weak hits.