I know nothing really about this modern world technical stuff im afraid but there mustbbeva way surely? Maybe Sebastien would have some idea but I would personally wait a few weeks before emailing him as he must be full on atm getting the Digi ready to launch, plus the new range of bodies and I know hebis also very busy helping a friend set up a new business.Is anyone able to tell me what connection the Herborizer Ti heater takes? I want to buy an extension lead to give myself more slack between the temperature controller and the vape assuming that can be done without issues?
Must say I really like Herborizer's customer service even if it does take a while to get a response, they offered to replace the screw I needed for free and would put it in my next order, always had extra stuff included in my previous orders as well, really love their mini grinders and use my 2 all the time and I got them both free![]()
But yeah he is great it would seem at getting back to people in the most sincere and friendly manner, and for certain is very fair and generous at resolving issues to get you happy and sorted at no or minimal personal expense. Cant say it enough- great guy in the vape world!