When your Herborizer Digital Ti arrives and you are comfortable with it, would you try something for me?
Heat the head up on the stand, not the bowl.
Load a cold bowl and let me know how it performs.
I will certainly do. I will have 2 regular bowls for the rare (but hopefully more frequent) occasions when I vape with a friend.
The plan has always been to have numerous rig and bowl options to make easy social vaping, from a hygiene point of view as well, but it keeps apl options open.
Like for me how I can vape my weed and they can vape anything they want, which Im allergic to, and they arent restricted to what I can tolerate. Plus my herb is so precious and unguaranteed (wow, long word) so I cant afford to share. If I could source herb elsewhere believe me Im as sharing as they come.
But anyway- for eg- when visiting friends in the past and sharing the XL with one bowl only between 3 people. I had to either provide the load for everyone because Im allergic to their weed, or work around it in turns. Even with 2 XL bowls, you know the problem. Heat soak etc.
So that is my plan with the Ti, as it was with the Flowerpot. Separate bowls, separate rigs. Sure loads will also be shared, even using separate bubblers/bodies. But I need this flexibility with my vapes. So it will be interesting to test all of this out. When it comes to social vaping it will get well tested out very well over a session.
And this is also a reason I decided to wait for the digital. Reasoning that the more powerful heater which I guess will be more responsive should make for more consistent performance and faster heat soaking of the bowls when swapped over.
The heater may alter the vape signature too if it compensates more responsively and aggressively to heat being robbed into the cold bowl on first pulls. If so, that could minimise also reduce the importance of heat soaking and by same token the bowl should warm up quicker. Al trajection, and some, none or all of it may apply, we will see. But it makes sense anyway, even if the effect turns out to be mild.
This was the only area that the Herborizer Ti failed in for me and that was a deal breaker.
Hoping the digital one is not just a digital controller and that is it.
Exactly the point and question at hand, and I completely get you on this. Having your wisdom and input on this is so valuable to me to make and keep sense of (vapes in general) and this one.
I have shared these aspects of the Ti from your own particular angle, in relation to the others (GS, FP, SUB(?) Etc etc etc etc

)..... to Sebastien already, but I might just quote above your typically perfectly incisive, fitting and concise summary of the exact point at hand.
Honestly Lazy, Im sure nobody around here puts it so bluntly truthfully but laymanly simply in such a bang on way. You just have a real ability to figure out all the ins and outs of these vapes and make it so clear to us all.
And yes indeed, it may not make much or enough difference to this usage aspect or single flaw for you. There must be surely be some effect on performance but how much? I am obviously going to be happy whatever, but it would be swell if my pondering is confirmed to a reasonable degree.
Oh yeah, I did have the face to tell Seb- The FP Showerhead is a little better IME and IMO!

Sould I say "face" or should I say "balls."
Super excited for you bro!!!

I know how much you loved the Ti!!
Thanks bro. However, I dont wanna stitch myself up again, in case there is some strange vape signature alteration that affects my allergies, and I have to come here saying bad news guys cant use this vape.
In which case, an easy fix. Ask Seb to swap it back for an analog. Still a happy ending to fall back on.
I think us Herborizer Ti owners are just satisfied with our vapes. Or we're too stoned (also a testament to the Herborizer)
Thanks Bleak for sharing insight from the real world. You are still to me, the original champion of Herborizer and the Ti with that fantastic and hypnotic video!

So your inputs are always valued as well bro. However, I have some beef to pick:
So if you haven't tried it, you're missing out. Steamrollers and sherlocks both work awesome. My favourite overall is this $8 sherlock:
Damn you Bleak! That was $19 I didnt really need to spend today! It did look so good though. I spun the TAG wheel for the day, hoping for free shipping. Got 20% off so thought heck it.
I want to get more into the dry vaping, and as Seb is going to release a number of dry bodies including a sherlock I figured this one will be a nice cheap start.