@Pustupillo thanks v much for sharing your current usage style. This is the fundamental info and feedback which is so valuable and always very intresting to me. Styles can vary widely, but we can all learn so much from each other.
@Carlos8400 (Yo Carlos btw

) also originally began using a higher temp, but soon discovered he got the same extraction with much better flavour by going down one whole notch on the dial with a 15 minute bowl pre-heat.
So his experiences mirror your own. So glad you are still enjoying it so much thanks for dropping in do come back.
Any tips for using the concentrate bowl?
I take it you have it Sticks? If so, you are the only person I think I know of yet who has one. Havent heard a single review or impression on it yet.
So no sorry, no advice Im afraid. I have never even used concentrates. But I can tell you that I was the inspiration for this bowl after I told Sebastien on facebook a few years ago, how I was using the XL to vaporize essential oils to treat respiratory problems.
I used hemp fiber which took some real head work and play to get it just right to hold the oil drops so they don't drip through too fast (into bubbler), but not too dense as to block airflow, and prevent the oils being converted to vapor.
When it worked, it was really good milk. Peppermint pain. It worked aggressively onmlung congestion. However the problem was the hemp fiber would get gummed up really quickly with the oils and would not function as a vaping medium. I always do 3 or 4 rounds of oils, standard with steam inhalations, applied here too.
But after round 1, round 2 didnt vaporizer nearly as well. 3 and 4 really needed hemp fiber adjustment etc to make it work.
Anyway...Sebastien was quite interested in my experiments at the time. And he randomly emailed me one day showing me the concentrate and essential oil bowl and saying how he got the idea from me. So Im honoured haha!
I gave up vaping essential oils anyway and since told Seb I know it is not healthy. They oxidise, degrade and transform too much with heat that way, at any sort of temperature to make the practice worthwhile and effective.
Now this makes cannabis even more amazing to me. How you can dab that shit with none of these hazardaous carcinogens.
So good luck testing it out I look forward to hearing more. (It's currently out of stock as well.)