Herborizer corner


Well-Known Member
No it's not worth it (in my opinion)
Yes it's better than a standard bowl for micro for dosing
It's just a couple of adapters (in my opinion)
So I bought a male/male and a female/female adapter for a couple of Euros each instead
which provide the same functionality as the real thing (without a handle) for a fraction of the price
and I wrapped some gardening wire around the female/female adapter and popped a short piece of bamboo on the end to make a handle
Altho I'm not sure it gets the thaat hot and you can pick it up from the bottom to avoid the heat anyway lol

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Has anyone tried gasket bowl for minidosing? This one: https://herborizer.com/en/accessories-ti/123-gasket-bowl-ti-digiti.html

I'd like to buy it but the price is high (80 euro + shipping will be like 95 euro for me). In other words - is it worth the price? Is it an upgrade to standard TI bowl?
It's not an upgrade but a worthy complement.

It's hard to microdose with the stock bowl and the basket bowl does that fine.
it does small amounts of ground bud and whole nuggets very well.

The taste seem a little more detailed with the stock injector bowl but that's mostly because it's volume allows for greater turbulences.

I mostly uses the m2m part with the EMK now.

That is an INSANE price for a bowl!!!
I would run away and see if I could put something similar together!
It looks like a few glass adapters you could source individually for a much lower price!
It can be found around 60€ elsewhere.
It's two pieces of European high quality borosilicate, with full length tapers. So yes 30€/part is a bit expensive. Chinese adapters can do the job but they won't be as good, nor as low profile.

The full length taper puts the herbs 2mm to 3mm closer to the heater than any other 18mm male taper I have except parts made by Ehle. It definitely makes a difference for low temp vaping. That's why the m2m part is so good with the EMK.


New Member
No it's not worth it (in my opinion)
Yes it's better than a standard bowl for micro for dosing
It's just a couple of adapters (in my opinion)
So I bought a male/male and a female/female adapter for a couple of Euros each instead
which provide the same functionality as the real thing (without a handle) for a fraction of the price
and I wrapped some gardening wire around the female/female adapter and popped a short piece of bamboo on the end to make a handle
Altho I'm not sure it gets the thaat hot and you can pick it up from the bottom to avoid the heat anyway lol
Would you be so kind to send me some additional links with alternatives adapters on PM? I'm having hard time finding something that would fit with 18,8 bong.


Calm Consistency
Has anyone tried gasket bowl for minidosing? This one: https://herborizer.com/en/accessories-ti/123-gasket-bowl-ti-digiti.html

I'd like to buy it but the price is high (80 euro + shipping will be like 95 euro for me). In other words - is it worth the price? Is it an upgrade to standard TI bowl?
You can just grab an 18mm F2F, and an 18mm M2M (if your piece is a female), and build your own for probably $15.
If you order from China, could be like $5.

Those pieces are usually around $7-$10 from a local headshop around me.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Instead isn't this something complementary to the gasket bowl for micro dosing or isn't worth it? Perhaps using a metal screen instead of that glass screen.
I never used this one.
I think it's made to vape whole nuggets and not ground material.

I don't think it's possible to secure a metal screen inside this bowl.


Has anyone tried gasket bowl for minidosing? This one: https://herborizer.com/en/accessories-ti/123-gasket-bowl-ti-digiti.html

I'd like to buy it but the price is high (80 euro + shipping will be like 95 euro for me). In other words - is it worth the price? Is it an upgrade to standard TI bowl?

If you're in the EU, here's some links to put together the same basket screen microdosing bowl (with handle) for ~10€ w/o shipping:
- https://lacentralevapeur.com/en/vaporizer-accessories/23193365-female-adapter-18-to-18-mm.html
- https://lacentralevapeur.com/en/vap...ter-for-18-mm-to-14-mm-male-to-male-bong.html
- https://lacentralevapeur.com/en/vaporizer-accessories/23193310-rimmed-basket-screen-tinymight.html

I use it most of the time now as it allows better extraction with small loads (up to 0.1 IME).

I also happen to have the microdosing bowl with the glass plug, and as @Radwin Bodnic already said, you can't properly secure any screen inside, not even worth it for whole nugget as the airflow become quickly too restricted.


New Member
Thank you guys, a lot.

I ordered few parts (altough I had to order 18 to 14mm male to male adapter, because of 18mm bong). I've been thinking about gasket bowl because before herborizer I used Arizer EQ and microdosing with basket worked really good, the vape was condensed. I've been wanting to try it for sometime but 95 euro price was crazy. With your help I've been able to put parts in 23 euro (I didn't need rimmed basket because I've got plenty 12mm basket from Arizer EQ), including 12 euro shipment to Poland.


Calm Consistency
18 to 14mm male to male adapter, because of 18mm bong
If I'm not mistaken...
shouldn't you need an 18mm to 18mm?

Unless your F2F is 14mm to 18mm?

My F2F is 18mm, and my water piece is 18mm, and the herborizer is 18mm.

So 18mm male2male into the water piece, 18mm f2f on top of that, then the herborizer slides right in.


New Member
If I'm not mistaken...
shouldn't you need an 18mm to 18mm?

Unless your F2F is 14mm to 18mm?

My F2F is 18mm, and my water piece is 18mm, and the herborizer is 18mm.

So 18mm male2male into the water piece, 18mm f2f on top of that, then the herborizer slides right in.
Yeah, I do, but the male-male adapter for basket was available only in 14 to 18 mm variant, so with the adapter for 18 to 14 mm for bong I'd be able to put it right way. I needed the 18 to 14 mm for the part below,
I added that: https://lacentralevapeur.com/en/vap...ong.html?search_query=18+mm+14+mm&results=813
And this way I can put this joints on right with female 18 to 18 mm and be able to put the down part in 18mm bong (with 18 to 14mm adapter)

I would do it other-way if I were able to find 18 to 18 mmm male to male bong adapter, but I couldn't find it on this site and I'd like to order all the parts in one place because of shipment costs.

Popcorn Lung

Well-Known Member

Hi, everybody.

First I would like to add to the conversation about micro bowls.

I own the regular Herbo bowl, the original Herbo micro bowl and the updated Herbo micro bowl (left to right).

I purchased different aftermarket bases for the updated micro bowl to see if they improved the experience… They did not. The updated micro bowl base has a handle that makes it easier to unload when hot.

After a few years of using all three I came to realize something… I prefer the original Herbo bowl. The micro bowls are fun but I found them a bit tedious at times.

You can microdose with the original Herbo bowl just fine. The amount of flower I load doesn’t even cover the screen. You may need to turn up the temp slightly but not by very much.

Anyways, I hope this helps anyone that is thinking about spending the extra money. Save it for top shelf flower.

Secondly and the reason I logged on is because my Herbo Ti is acting funny. It stopped reaching higher temperatures even on the max setting. It only gets warm now and not hot enough to create vapor.

The red light on the control know works. The heating element gets warm just not hot.

I made sure to try different outlets and also made sure that everything was properly tightened on the Hero unit.

If anyone has experienced the same, what was the resolution?

I reached out to Seb and after some back and fourth I’ve decided to buy a new unit.

Just hoping someone might have some insight about what might be wrong.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
You can microdose with the original Herbo bowl just fine. The amount of flower I load doesn’t even cover the screen. You may need to turn up the temp slightly but not by very much.
Tried and approved ! Still with the dial at 5 on the old analog dimmer : very pleasant experience. Not thick clouds but extra flavor !

I made sure to try different outlets and also made sure that everything was properly tightened on the Hero unit.
Did you tried with a VVPS ?

Edit : can you measure the resistor of your Ti so we can compare ? If the resistor is too weak it won't heat up.
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Popcorn Lung

Well-Known Member

Tried and approved ! Still with the dial at 5 on the old analog dimmer : very pleasant experience. Not thick clouds but extra flavor !

Did you tried with a VVPS ?

Edit : can you measure the resistor of your Ti so we can compare ? If the resistor is too weak it won't heat up.

Thank you, for the suggestion. I have not tried replacing the WPS. Originally, I thought about buying a new one and it looks like there is an updated version available. This is the one I currently have.

When I get home tonight (currently at work) I will dust off the old multimeter.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
When I get home tonight (currently at work) I will dust off the old multimeter.
Have you been able to measure the resistor yet ?
I must admit t's a bit tricky to do accurately.
Mine oscillate between 3.5 Ω and 4 Ω. Closer to 4 Ω.

And by the way this is about a Vapman load (but with a medium-coarse grind instead of extra-fine) in the stock herbo bowl. Best results : 6 on the old analog dial - 10min preheating - 1min heat soaking of the bowl.

And sorry for the cloudy glass…
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Popcorn Lung

Well-Known Member
Have you been able to measure the resistor yet ?
I must admit t's a bit tricky to do accurately.
Mine oscillate between 3.5 Ω and 4 Ω. Closer to 4 Ω.

And by the way this is about a Vapman load (but with a medium-coarse grind instead of extra-fine) in the stock herbo bowl. Best results : 6 on the old analog dial - 10min preheating - 1min heat soaking of the bowl.

And sorry for the cloudy glass…
Sorry for the late response. I couldn’t find my multimeter until today. It was in an old tool bag, along with some other tools that were lost, lol. But after speaking with Sebastian again I decided to order a new unit. Nonetheless, it would still be good to check the resistance on the Herbo. Can you tell me how you got to the resistor? Are you just measuring the outside edge of the handle?

Also, those pics are a great example of how to micro dose with the Herbo stock bowl. That’s exactly how I load mine.

I will admit that on occasion I throw another small amount on top of the old. When the bowl gets half way full I empty it. Some people might call it lazy but I would call it being efficient 😂

Thanks again, for taking the time to check your resistance. Might be good for others to know and compare in the event they experience the same issue I’m having.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Can you tell me how you got to the resistor? Are you just measuring the outside edge of the handle?

The easiest way would be to have a spare male socket with bared wires and measure at the wires. I just couldn't find the right male socket size at home so measured straight at the female socket on the handle : between the center pin (+) and the little tongue (-) that you can see inside the socket.
You need precise touch points not to shortcut the multimeter.

Popcorn Lung

Well-Known Member
The easiest way would be to have a spare male socket with bared wires and measure at the wires. I just couldn't find the right male socket size at home so measured straight at the female socket on the handle : between the center pin (+) and the little tongue (-) that you can see inside the socket.
You need precise touch points not to shortcut the multimeter.
I couldn’t get a good read. It looks like it’s oscillating between 8 ohms and 9 ohms. I received the new Herbo today but I haven’t had a chance to use it. When I do I’m going to try using the new WPS with the old Herbo resistor. I’ll keep you posted.

It measures 10 ohms on my Fluke meter. Best
Thank you, for checking. Maybe my reading was okay after all?.. It was oscillating between 8 ohms and 9 ohms.


Herborizer Ti bowl totally stuck to stand. Tried freezing it, boiling it and lubricating it with different oils. Nothing works. Does anyone have advice? This is the second time this happens. I had to buy new and bowl stand last time. This time I will contact the seller and complain.


Calm Consistency
Herborizer Ti bowl totally stuck to stand. Tried freezing it, boiling it and lubricating it with different oils. Nothing works. Does anyone have advice? This is the second time this happens. I had to buy new and bowl stand last time. This time I will contact the seller and complain.
It's happened to me a few times ... at least the male end of the herbo heater getting stuck in the female end of the stand.
Keeping the walls of the heater, as well as the walls of the stand clean, helps to prevent it.

What helps for me is basically wiggling back and forth as much as I can at different angles until it dislodges. Can't promise that'll work for you and could be dangerous.

Maybe turning it on and messing with it as it heats up could potentially cause some shifts in size which could help. Or vice versa as it cools down.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Herborizer Ti bowl totally stuck to stand. Tried freezing it, boiling it and lubricating it with different oils. Nothing works. Does anyone have advice? This is the second time this happens. I had to buy new and bowl stand last time. This time I will contact the seller and complain.
I had the bowl stuck twice on the stand. Each time I froze it for 10-15 minutes and then they went out easily with a slight twisting motion.

I think it happened only when I put the warm bowl on a hot stand and let them cool down altogether.

I have a cheap Chinese stand that never stuck but it is plain glass and not detachable like the herbo stand (the reason I only use this one).
Radwin Bodnic,


Well-Known Member

Wow! It's like a tuned version of the herborizer. Looks like it provides an hit in par with ball powered devices adding a conduction kick to the primarily convection signature of the herbie. Would be pretty fun to use it when you want a faster extraction. I'm definitely interested.

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
Wow! It's like a tuned version of the herborizer. Looks like it provides an hit in par with ball powered devices adding a conduction kick to the primarily convection signature of the herbie. Would be pretty fun to use it when you want a faster extraction. I'm definitely interested.
I finally got to Order an XL Heater, should be on the way soon from Herborizer. I wanted the original style heater .
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