As requested in the email I have listed the serial number as R1301560. Also I remember ording some crucibles and/or white tips with screens where it connects at the top, I was supposed to be given a monetary discount, something about where it was being shipped (North America) or whatever, anyways I never got the discount or refund, I don't really care though about that issue, getting my beloved yet non-working HA to heat up again is all I am concerned about, dear ha staff, thank you for getting back to me, your willingness to repair it for free is heartwelming and a true honorable testament to your customer service, quality of product, but I am living paycheck to paycheck right now and understand that your business is your legacy, therefore thank you, but no free products are necessary, (unless you want to regarding the white tip, or bong attachments, because it is my birthday this month

Once again a big special thank you to both HerbalAire Staff and the members of Fuckcombustion for your support in helping me deal with how to correct my HA Products Malfunction.
PS. I will update everyone on HA's customer response and when I get my new HA!
Thank you HA for making this a Birthday to remember, I will promote HA and FC on my site to all my affilates, like I've said before and I'll say it again, Long Live FuckCombustion. (Of course I'm going to change my signature to (Long Live HerbalAire and FC after my birthday.
PS. Do you have any review sites I can give 5 stars on?