Okelie dokelie
I'm just going to go in the order that these pictures are in.... pretty stoned and tired.
The middle compartment is well designed. The angle of the sides makes everything fall in the middle, including those precious crystals. One worry I have with this screen design though is small particles being trapped in the small recess between the screen and the metal... hard to explain. Luckily the gap is pretty small and the screen is on really tight.
So the bottom of the grinder is really nice. Smoothed edges so it's easier to get ya kief out... I didn't notice any kief particles being 'lost' in the sides like what happens in my Chromium and Mendo. I didn't really grind up enough bud to gather a lot of kief (I have a huge pile from the Mendo, no need at the moment). This is it clean.
The teeth are really sharped and well made. The holes are a very interesting pattern, but it seems to work well. Small holes.

The small magnets that are on the side don't hold the top on very tight (unless they are perfectly aligned) but that is just a minor complaint. That unnamed thing was how loud the grinder is. I know, who cares.... but when it's late at night the screeching of metal isn't exactly comforting. It's more like a coarse grinding noise..... I think it's ok and probably designed this way, but I wonder if a rubber gasket might make it not rub together....
From the side and top
** that smudge isn't removing... just a little 'uh-oh', no worries.
Next to big Papa, who looks like hes been to WW2 and back...
partially veiled said:
It's supposedly "non-stick", correct?
Take a peek below and you tell me. THC is sticky. It's unavoidable crystals will stick but this finish does do a nice job of preventing most of it from happening. I'm afraid it's going to get scratched and ruin it's beauty though....
Time to steal her virginity......
A little bit didn't make it through the holes I was twisting for a good minute or so. I reapplied the lid and twisted some more to see if it would fall through. No go, but that is usually expected with grinders so no minus here. My mendo does it too, especially when it's sticky with resins.
A really nice grind. The top grinding compartment is easily removed, so with the next nugs I ground up, I spun them around a little bit longer, then reapplied it to the middle. Nothing got stuck and it gave me a little finer grind, which is what I prefer anyway...
I also noticed that you could make this into a 'two piece' grinder, in a way....
Interchangeable parts, that's a plus. I could see me grinding up some bud I might not want to de-kief, and as long as the tray is empty, it should be all good....
Anyways, this grinder is pretty nice. I really need to have more time with it to give it a fair grade however. I didn't grind up enough bud to make a mound of kief, just a few sprinkles, so I'll let it accumulate over the next few days and see whatsup....
Hope you enjoyed reading, pretty good grinder, glad I got one. Great price and fast shipping.
Oh yeah, it came with a really sweet pouch too. Just those red ones with Mix N Ball on it.... I have so many little pouches from stuff now it's insane. I should fill them with magic pebbles and gold coins, tie them to my waste and travel around like some kind of hobbit...
//me starts eyeballing the Cosmics.....
For size reference