That does suck man… the Edge is a better device??? My second one is a year old now, HR is taking a hit here considering the error reports posted over and over again on the Rogue. Why would someone pay $50 over the Edge to go to the Post Office 4x, plus I can hold my Edge between two fingers and drink my coffee with the same hand

Come in man don’t double toast the flower, all the terps and most the thc are gone on your first go! Waste of battery tooI have had the Fury Edge for a few months and am happy with it. I use it solo with the stock mouthpiece and dosing capsules. The instruction manual says to fill the chamber "at least" halfway, and while I have never done it, I expect you could also fill a dosing capsule halfway if you wanted to, without any issue.
I fill the dosing capsules with a very loose pack and find that this is good for two sessions of 3-4 hits each. The first two hits are flavorful, and then it is progressively more "popcorn" taste. I can't accurately weigh how much I'm loading, but it is a very small amount of cannabis. If you put it in an old school pipe, you'd probably get a single medium sized hit.
HR says you can leave cannabis in the device in between sessions without adverse effect, which seems true in my experience (and it would be hard to quantify if pulling out the capsule and trying to cool it would make a difference to my second session). I do, however, turn off the device just as I am starting my last hit and find I can still get a decent hit with the remaining heat, and that probably cools things a little. That said, I'm sure the dosing capsule and chamber would be far too hot to touch even after I do this, so open question whether degradation is occurring. But my second session does get me high, FWIW.
PS: the glass bead trick is putting the beads in the stock mouthpiece, not the dosing capsule, to help cool the vapor. I think you could just under load the dosing capsule without needing to do anything else, ie you don't need to add anything to fill the capsule, it should work fine half full.
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