Vapriot, Traveler & Vaporizer/ing lover!
Everybody who volunteered have been on the list but we could only produce limited quantity beta units due to the extreme cost of manufacturing small quantity parts. Anyone here who is in mass production business can understand the ridiculous cost of building actual working prototypes. We simply could not afford to get a unit to everybody on our list this time around so we had to do a drawing within our list.
I really hope that you guys will understand as you all are important to us and you have provided unconditional support and constant feedback to us which enabled Haze to get here. Haze Dual V3 was a huge success (at least for us) thanks to you all and we are almost there for the two Square versions.
Please note that Merger is in the pipeline right after Square official release and we will try to cover the entire list who did not get a Square Beta unit in their hands to test and provide us feedback for that product.
I really hope that you guys will not think that we value one person more over the other.
I never volunteered. Haze contacted me. I'm not one to be tugging at manufactures coat tails. I have just always loved this healthy lifestyle and helping others. Nothing but love here, cheers family!