The tolerances may be off like you said but both metal and glass mtpc being not as tight, it makes me think whether the wonG was too big or not and by inserting/pushing it in, it may have stretched the o-ring (again theory). I know that the wonG is manufactured by Ed's and I can imagine that since they are hand made, they may have slightly different tolerance. I ordered an 18mm one last week and I will see how it fits when it arrives. They said that they are awaiting inventory for the wonG. I would contact Haze and ask them about this.
I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm backkkkkkkkkk. Life sure can kick hard at times and family can kick you even harder. Needless to say I'm here and glad to be back and with bells on!
I have noticed that in both of my new 2.5v Haze units that the MP fitment/tolerance is not as tight is my earlier versions. It has to be the o-rings only. Unless they had a change in machine processing on their own MP's. I say this because before I even inserted Ed's tnt wong or MP both of the units were way more loose strait out of the box. After using the wong it made no difference and did not add to it from my experience. What I do now to combat this or to keep the Mp from falling out when I do the flick is not clean the area around the MP that makes contact with the o-ring. I do make sure to clean everything else like normal. A clean unit and MP always makes for the best vaporizing experience.
UPDATE: No problems with Haze on getting my other unit replaced. I now have two stealth black units. Haze also did it again my replacement came with two more cans. I keep saying I'm going to buy more cans but at the rate they keep gifting me them I'm happy at 16 now.

Emily and Jamie are tops in my book and professionals on every level. thank you ladies and keep up the good work
@Haze Vaporizers!
I am still working on my videos. I have had to relocate in the past few weeks. My travels have been crazy between my grandmother, home and my girlfriend, all in different states and citites and I am not always in friendly states so this has also added to more hurdles to get over. Don't give up on me. I'm also open to video ideas if any of you have some shoot them my way or even better post them up in the thread so we all can think on them together.
I'm sure to get a 2.5 and yes it produce clouds but, imho, ther is others portables a lot more cloudier for clouds chasers, although I love my Haze but more for the capacity to taste good on level 1&2 and for wax on level 3&4, and on the go I needn't very large clouds that I can't handle without a WT, if I want large clouds I crank up my Xp at 8 with my WT....Different devices for different uses....
I'm more about strength of delivery, efficiency and clean/healthy vapor paths. Haze nailed all of these. Cloud chasing is more of a e-juice/pen thing. Comparing that to herbal vaporizers is kind of null and void in my opinion. Two totally different worlds. The haze was not built to be in videos of how big is your cloud. It was designed with medical users and for an overall top notch experience. By the way the Haze kicks like a mule, you just have to figure out your draws and as the more experienced know this can fluctuate some based on strain, herbs used, grind and moisture content.
Hi, do you know where are the air inlets please? Maybe I'm a bit stupid but I can't see it....
They are located around the outside of the battery housings general area. Just give the Haze a blow when empty and you can feel where the air is coming from. Also when you draw in and listen very carefully you can hear the intake around the same area I mentioned.
Hi guys
I recently bought a Cloud Evo and Haze. Hoping to find some information on this forum. I have a separate post for EVO on that thread but anyone here with experience, please help me out. I am not new to vaporization but I am new to the forum. For Haze, I have been using my f-bomb which I bought for my old solo a while back. It works great but I am trying to find a smaller glass for Haze. Any recommendations? I am reading the thread pages and I am on page 10 so far.
With Haze, it certainly had the NEW product taste and smell for about 7-8 sessions for me. I am now in session 15 or so and the taste is amazing. I use cans and convection screens. I was exclusive with Ascent for over a year i think but Haze may replace that as I become more experienced with this product.
I think a smaller glass tool will add way more value to this. Any suggestions?
Hello and welcome to FC the best forum on the net. I Suggest using a Namastevapes 14mm water tool. I have used others which were more more expensive and from my sessions the extra cost did not add to anything and when compared to a few of those the Namastevapes WT flowed/hit far better and the quality is right on point with most of the others as well. I have a picture of my set-up a handful of pages back. I plan to soon have some videos including the WT. I hope this helps you out. Cheers!
Ed's stems are the best of all!! He make a little groove so the oring fits and holds perfectly. Even if it gets resin on it!
GET ONE! Or two lol while ur at it snag a WonG.
Listen to Scott, Scott does know. I second his motion.
@Ed's TnT products are beautiful and very functional.
A shop here in town just got two Hazes in last week. Is there any way to tell if a unit is a 2.5?
She said she ordered them after seeing them on Bill Maher's show but she may have gotten old stock.
Just get the numbers of of the Haze unit and run them by Haze unit and run them by Haze, they will be happy to confirm which version it is.
-A very easy and functional fix for horizontal worries is adding a glass 90 degree attachment to the Haze. I got a few from Oregon glass blower. Good quality glass too not to mention you are supporting a American and local business.