I'm liking my Hazing setup better now (the Ryot case was too tight at first) so here are some pics in case they're of any use.
I had a couple of needs the below addresses - requirements, actually:
1.) Portability to help with (too?) frequent leisure travel

2.) Portable bubbler for protection of damaged lungs

that are worsened by dryness, etc.
I'm using 'trates exclusively right now, hence my need for the bent mouthpiece. That is, the Haze needs to stay level to avoid spillage, conversely, the h-tube needs to stay upright to prevent spilling water.
First pic is of my Hazeroo with DIY bent SS mouthpiece, Nu-SonG and Pinnacle Hydrotube up in place. It'll just sit there like that although I only do that on soft surfaces to protect the tube.
The Nu-SonG is great for this setup. Here's why: In the below setup, I hold the Hazer in my left hand, tube in right. So there is some movement between hands - especially when stoned silly. The Nu-SonG allows quite a bit of flexibility - so nothing has been fractured by clumsy-stoner-me yet.
The Haze is the gentlest vape I've ever used. Even still, I get a pleurisy-like ache in my defective airbags without bubbler - partly due to new-vape over-usage, eh? Anyway, with the hydrotube, no ill effects at all. Surprisingly to me, the weed puts my asthma in total remission with no other meds needed. (using funds earmarked for asthma meds for weed instead: Priceless.

The below is in an open Ryot Packrat large soft case. You can see I need a 2 battery holder/protector to organize the top of the case. It's on the way from fleabay. Also visible is DIY bent SS MP with Nu-SonG. I wrap the yellow felt around the HT for added protection between the Haze and the tube before zipping the case up. And yes, the felt is named "Towellie".
And finally, here is what the Ryot looks like with the stuff zipped inside. Ruler for scale. Gotta try to remember the tube when unzipping it to prevent droppage/broken glass bummer.
I've traveled with it twice already and it works well.

Running the zipper past the tube is always tight and the fit between the Haze and the tube inside the case is tighter than optimal for best protection. I think it would take quite a bit to break the tube in this case but I don't think it would tolerate sitting on the case or dropping it on a hard surface on the zipper side.
1.) Notes re: Nu-SonG: Ad info is correct that the silicone may arrive needing some more curing. Since 'cone needs humidity to cure and there's almost none here, I tossed it into a cup of tap water overnight and the next day it was firmer and the odor was gone. Easy peasy. The fit to the mouthpiece is perfect. Very nice product, IMHO. Highly recommended.
2.) I found that Ryot had the large size of Packrat case on sale from their direct website cheaper than fleabay sellers. Had to find a place in notes to sneak in what color I wanted as that wasn't just easy to do. They shipped super fast and the bag is well made. It does not have a built in hardshell so it is soft bag type protection only.
3.) A guy in fleabay sells an 18650 double battery holder case that has a seal and is supposedly waterproof. Some of our fellow Hazers said they store cans in one side of a battery case. Wondering if the sealed type of battery case might help contain the herb odor? Wouldn't bet my freedom on it but maybe it would keep the bag from soaking up odor?