Hi, Haze. Input appreciated! Say, I haven't seen your email yet so it's possible my email address got mixed. Please feel free to pm me. I'd be happy to mail the odd cans to you for your examination. I don't have the packaging anymore so I can't be certain which of your auth'd sellers sent these. It was one of two, though. The unit's working well - update is separate topic so that'll be below.
Thanks again!
My Haze Update: This'll get too lengthy so I'll give ya' the short version first: It's really working well - my brain was cooked this a.m. on w&b.
Context: I've always had issues with smoking so I never have - and never vaped 'til now. So this input is from a lightweight with almost no mj tolerance. However, last month I seemed to have a ?transferrable? mj tolerance somewhat due to long term script pain med poison that I no longer take. I guess I'm saying I'm not sure where my T is - probably not heavy, though.
Last night: Setting 3 on the other oven came to temp in very similar time as 3 on the first oven. This was with MK Ultra shatter. 2 hits to get things vaping then 4 more medium hits. No visible vapor but some minimal milking in the glass. Good intense high with a lot of interesting effects.

Me likee. With both ovens, no detectable odor from the Haze electronics - and no blinking of the lights during hits. The first charged Haze XL battery still acts strong through session 3. This once again had me well baked. I slept well for 4 hours but awoke due to some serious problems causing decades of insomnia. More about this in "tonight's insomnia plan".
This a.m.: 7:30 a.m. hit the chem bread shatter on the first oven using setting 4. Still no perceptible odor being added by the electronics and I'm very happy about that! No visible vapor on exh but heavy milking of the glass. So I did the 2/4 hit thing as above - ruh-roh.

If I had any doubts, within 25 mins I was baked and by 1 hour I was totally screwface.

I napped on and off and within another hour, I was lovin' the effects again. Took 'til about now (1 p.m.) to get to where I could type without screwin' everything up and wasting a lot of time on the giggles.
I think probably I don't have the skills yet to put out clouds - but that's not my thing anyway. I wanted the Haze to be able to med me quickly and it can do that in spades.
Because of my lifelong smoking aversion and a former fiancee, I am so glad that vaping tastes nothing like the smell of brickweed joints.
Tonight's insomnia plan: My first mj experience was last month with a home extracted EC190 GD. 3/4 of the time, the stuff would make me sleep the sleep of the innocent through the entire night. That hadn't happened in 25 years. Extremely cool - like some cosmic gift. So today I decarbed a 'spare' gram of MK Ultra shatter (it buddered during the decarb) and dissolved it in an ounce of EC190 for a quick and dirty dragon.
Tonight, I'll take a smallish dose of the improvised dragon, a couple hours later hit the same strain on the Haze (a setting 4 test of the other oven) to potentiate the dragon and put me down for bed time. Will probably cut the Haze setting 4 dose in half tonight compared to this a.m. - that was too much for me right now.

See if I can capture another of those elusive long blissful nights of restorative sleep, eh?
'k, that's my update for now.
p.s.: The owner's guide for my Haze has the little "v2.5" on it, so while it was already pretty clear, this is the correct revision.