@herbivore21 ok i get it volcano will be a problem. I have finalized the evo, sublimator, d nail flower adaptor . I have a few concerns regarding sublimator and dnail . Are they both using convection? D nail looks like conduction. Overall the evo seems like the best and affordable choice. Thanks for sharing the espresso philosophy , i will keep it in mind.
About vapman and vapcap. They both dont look dependable . I am willing to spend money i should get something dependable.
I can clarify having owned every single one of the vapes mentioned except the vapcap (and the vapcap is a very simple design, broadly similar to the vapman but minus the wood gunk concerns that come with hash use).
This is a great question, and you are much like myself in wanting something high quality and reliable. I will share my experiences:
D-nail's flower adapter is a convection vape which is engineered to cause a vortex of hot air that spirals through the load until it is spent. If you decide to go this way, buy ONLY THE HEATER and NOT THE GLASS portion of the flower adapter (the all glass screen, like all such screens is useless! I have an alternative solution that has been battle tested and boosts the espresso style extraction). Also buy yourself the following accessories for your proposed bong or dry pipe (the errlectric herb nail requires a bong/dry glass pipe as does the d-nail flower adapter):
* a 14mm male to 18mm female GonG adapter
* a 14mm female to 18mm male low-profile reducer
* A pack of storz & bickle original (not dosing capsule) concentrate pads
* any extra adapters required to make your bong/dry pipe compatible with a 14mm male connection at the intake/GonG adapter (don't worry about this if you're not sure what this is, all of us here can help you understand what these things mean

PROTIP: If you want a nice cheap dry pipe to use with this vape, buy yourself a gspot steamroller or similar
If you decide to use the flower adapter, let me know and I will PM you on how to get the best results. We hash people have got to help each other out! Not so many vaporists use hash!
The d-nail flower adapter (and any other vape you use for this purpose) must be run VERY hot to get the best results with hash. You will need replacement heaters over a period of 12 months with daily but not extremely heavy use. With much heavier use, 6 months is a possible replacement period. This is because hash really requires much more heat in the espresso style as we mentioned to vape than flowers. For this reason, the errlectric is not recommended (it cannot be modded in the same fashion as I am advising for hash use and the excessive heat required will be unachievable - as it is with a d-nail flower adapter in 18mm bowl - and would also risk breakage).
The d-nail flower adapter also typically uses an 18mm female bowl and the bowl on the errlectric herb nail is similar. This bowl size/shape is very unhelpful for hash consumption. This is why I tell you not to buy the stock glass part of the d-nail flower adapter (DO GET A HEATER STAND anything with a 14mm female joint on it and preferably some wood insulation around it will do, or just get d-nails glass 18mm stand) You need a tight, narrow bowl for espresso style packing or you're gonna put all of your hash in one load!
For this reason, the mod I suggest above will give you a 14mm female bowl with a thick, reusable stainless steel concentrate pad that no hash will ever melt through

(if you decide to get the d-nail setup, please PM me first, I will help you choose the right items for your needs as this can be confusing). Consider this like a d-dave mod for the dnail flower adapter, except designed for hash and oil!

This will also work outstandingly for flowers. This will give you HUGE whitewall vaporizer rips. As big as a sublimator. I am not exaggerating.
Now to the
Vapman: Make no mistake, it is small, it is affordable but Ttis vaporizer is the daily driver of many dedicated and discerning FC members. It is battle tested and VERY durable. I used this for hash for a very long time, and if I used traditional hashes like you that are quite melty - I would use a vapman or an evo, and probably own both. The reason I do not use a vapman anymore is that most of my hash is dabbable (it leaves very little residue when dabbed on a nail so I use my d-nail). The downside of the vapman IME is that you do have escaping vapor when you are heating up the bowl and it nears temperature (if you want to heat it up straight to a hot temp, you will lose a small stream of vapor, but not lots. You can stop in-between torching the vapman and sip this vapor, but it takes much longer to get to a higher temp and have big hits). The wood also will gunk up with oil over time. The vapcap is very similar to the vapman in a lot of ways, although it may use more convective heat. Conduction + convection together are best for hash - it needs to get heat around it in every way possible!
Finally, the Evo: This is a vape that has a mega following on FC for a reason. It is an all glass airpath. It works with how hard you inhale to give you the best possible hit. It has a huge temp range. It gives ultimate flavor.
It could also be ruined with melty hash if not used properly. If your hash does not melt too much, just finely cut/crush it up into powder and put it into the ELB (the bowl that comes with the evo). If it is very melty, you need to stuff the bottom of an ELB carefully with half a S & B Mighty concentrate pad (stainless steel mesh pad that prevents hash from melting through). Then put your hash in and stuff a whole S & B concentrate pad in the top to sandwich the hash in place. Then you will experience heaven. However, be sure to put a load that fully covers the SS mesh inside the ELB espresso puck style or you will get uneven hits.
A few pointers for hash use on the evo: DO NOT ALLOW FOR A SITUATION WHERE HASH WILL MELT IN THE ELB DOWN UNDERNEATH INTO THE GLASS TUBE/HEATER SECTION BELOW (this part is called the bamboo). If this ever happens, turn the unit off immediately and use a cotton qtip to swab the glass clean from any oil/residue.
Don't use the evo upside down for too long, especially when you aren't inhaling from it. The evo is made to be used with a hydratube or pipe coming out the top. You can use it upside down on bongs, but this requires that you turn it back the right way immediately after a hit. Otherwise, you will get a slow buildup over time where recondensation of vapor that rises back up into the bamboo when you are not inhaling takes place.
Oh I forgot the
Sublimator: This vape costs a fortune. This is as objective a statement as possible on this topic coming from somebody who can afford any vaporizer there is. The other vapes above are better with the considerations/modifications I have mentioned IME. But straight out of the box, the Sublimator is FANTASTIC for hash. You'll get huge rips from small bits of hash in no time. No modifications. No changes required. Dial in 8-10 on the temperature dial, drop in your hash in the bowl and away you go! The sublimator does have the problem of a huge hot piece of metal sitting on the bowl. That is a burn risk and fire risk. If you have pets or small children, don't leave a sublimator anywhere near where they might be.
I hope this helps you sir, this is a very long explanation, but I feel it is worth providing for hash users who are grossly underserviced by the current crop of vaporizers. All the best in your search brother
Check out the Errlectric herb nail.
For the reasons above, this is not the right product for the job. Of course, the herb nail is undoubtedly loved for flowers - but for the reason I said above, we need to mod herb nails from either major enail vendor for best hash results and the errlectric just doesn't lend itself to this in the same way.
Fair enough though my comment was really about variety. Most of the hash on the street in Europe at least back when was regular brown afghani. Unless you simply knew the right people the true hashish variety was really only in Amsterdam. Point is, with street dope, flower seems to allow for way more general variety than hash.
For sure man. A huge problem with street hash is adulteration - it is just so damned easy to mix terrible additives into the hash to bulk it out. The OP in this thread lives in a production country and hence can probably get wonderful hash if he knows the right people I'm sure. I've had beautiful brown Nepalese and Morrocan before actually, a true treat! I wish I could experience hash from the OP's region, but alas, this sort of travel is not on the cards for me in the near future!
Its quite the same. I only get the fresh and good quality hash . There are special shops in k.p.k province of pakistan and one of my friend gets it for me who is originally from k.p.k. In case he does not have good hash he gets some locally and he knows good quality would never give bad quality.
Man I'd love to see some pictures if you can share them here? Please don't share pictures if this might get you into legal trouble though! I understand that it is not always easy for everybody to do this.
@Melting Pot seriously so many companies i am thinking i should launch a company my self . Errlectric is very expensive considering the fact that i will also have to buy a bong with it.
If you have a design idea man (assuming you are talking about vapes), you should!

Make a hash vape! I would love it!