IMO, they are avoiding bad publicity. If some 3rd party reviewer starts finding issues before launching the product, and reveals them, it will be chaos for their campaign.
I don't know if you can take money back after you contributed to IGG, but if I see a video from a guy that I trust and complains, I'll probably wait till they polish the GH and take my money back.
Since they are a start up, they can take the chance like the Ascent did, with a back up company and an already working proven product as Da Vinci vaporizer. Da Vinci or Arizer can play around. Start ups no way. One chance only to hit the jackpot.
If people find out before hand that the GH is pure crapola, the GH team can say goodbye at the moment and find other people to take the money from.
I can smell this is going to be the year of hundreds of Green Fever Yuppies Tech NASA Wannabes from LA & SF area trying to hit the jackpot and be rich from an IGG campaign, trying to create the NEXT generation vaporizer.
GOOD for serious medical users and extreme pot heads like myself. Lots of choices when not directed and biased by the hip, and after being carefully reviewed by serious medical and real pothead users from FC. My only reliable vaporizer forum IMO at the moment, unbiased and very critical.
BAD for uninformed hipsters trying to have the latest gizmo to show off and then realize that not everything is pink coming from the net.
BAD for FCers with serious cases of VAS

the wait and the excitement are a hard one to swallow, and disappointment even worst.
IMO, I got into IGG campaign for an EVO because I trust SM55 and we saw the Cloud working and I know they love

and we know.
But I will be very skeptical about other ones.
Do you guys from GH actually ever vaped weed in your lives??? Or smoked??
You remind me of the characters of this funny show "The Big Bang Theory" or something like that.
Total know it all book encyclopedias net guys.
No disrespect, but IMO, I'll never buy meat from a vegan, or a cocktail from a non drinking barman for example.
Or a vaporizer for

from a person that don't use

. I trust my stoners more than any guy with a diploma from a famous college. Passion for something works better than any printed book or any computer net.
I hope I'm not out of context or offending the GH team.