Hey hey! So sorry for the wait! Crazy how during quarantine I have nothing going on up until I get the thing I've been craving the most! Tl;dr at the bottom, sorry it got kinda long
My first two immediate impressions after use - It feels slightly lighter than with a battery inside, it's kinda cool

The dial is now slightly harder to turn - I've had a theory which is supported by this, I think the battery itself acts as a pressure point for the gold/bronze tab. I have noticed with the Grasshopper that there is some springyness and can be felt by hand when pressing the tab.
However, with that said, I love, love, love LOVE (love) (love) the design that the adapter has. It's gorgeous. It's SO clean. And it is a great remedy for this difference I have noticed. Notice that I did not say issue - there is none. It's just something worth noting!
The backend itself doesn't get hot whatsoever, and the body in the battery section gets slightly warm after 3 ~30 second bong rips (the backend area also gets warm, but again, not hot like my batteries occasionally do). Speaking of getting warm, the cheaper option (SLA I believe, whichever is the transparent bluish one) also gets warm when under use. Nothing I'm worried about or anything, again just something worth noting (these are the kinds of things that I'm curious about so I want to give others some satiation!) I have not noticed the supplied PSU transformer box get warm when under use. The supplied PSU is very long and I love it! It has made routing the cable into the 3D printed converter box through your vaping area very easy. Cable management makes a pretty box
I do/did use it as a pen clip (though to be fair, only thin cloths, not jeans or at least any with a thick seam). That said, I don't really ever plan on unscrewing the backend from the threaded adapter, so I cannot say what it would be like after the second or third rethread. Finally, the clip wasn't too bad
@MoltenTiger and anyone else who has engraved clips or just cares about the look - I know I do! To be honest, I almost felt more worried about the wires after the second turn. I would say that I have an old backend as well, despite it being my third, I currently have GS013081
@maxvapor710 and it threaded perfectly both ways. Also thank you so much for the battery sled and for this amazing piece of tech in general. Seriously, I cannot thank nor commend you enough (it's impossible try as we all might!)
Literally a week 1 dream after getting it Oct. 15, 2015 has finally come true. Also, holy freaking cow you can CHARGE YOUR BATTERY from the battery sled with a microUSB. It also has a bright-ass voltage LED that when in use, blinks like the Grasshopper! But it seems the Grasshopper LED stays solid (so far)! I have purple sheathes from the Arizer Air, they're fairly old now and it took a bit longer to heat up, but I also accidentally started on temp 5 so that definitely was a factor, but definitely not as fast as AC. No blinking when it's charging, just steady light and a light for when it's full.
Two things to note for the battery sled, one important one - I am not an avid 18650 user but I am not inept in regards to +/- orientations. At first, I almost put in the battery wrong! So double check! And the important bit, my sheathes on the folds of +/- get caught on the metal tabs of both ends of the sled. I may be pulling them out wrong, but I have only just played with this as I've typed this comment. Finally, I scared myself a little bit trying to pull out the battery, holding the somewhat thin but flexible casing on the sled. I'd be worried about dropping it, but that's just because it looks soooo nice.
What I do remove the battery from the sled, gently pull up on one end (+), then repeat for the opposite end(-). The opposing end(-) will come out a little further. At this point, I must push the initial side (+) back down and then pull from the opposite end (-). I'm so sorry for this formatting, I've done quite a bit of testing @~@ I do have little nicks on the sleeves of the 18650's now, so just something to note!
In every video I take I don't get thick clouds but I swear it's just camera shy. I decided to just upload the best and shortest take,
so here's a ~4 minute video. (Just uploaded so quality will take a few hours to get to HD). This might be the one that has a little bit of blur about 3 minutes in after I show off the gorgeous pattern, but it's just a bong rip

I use the 3D Delta Studios chamber loader and scoop and gently tamp in the herb from the medium grind of a Brilliant Cut Grinder, I have a couple takes where I load it up and it's not worth the 15 seconds it takes to pack a bowl. Sorry about forgetting the sled in the video! It really just slipped my mind until typing up the comment.
Here is a little photoshoot and a turn-on of a dry run.
What do you need to know? Slightly kinked wire or slight bending of the clip. Generally runs cooler (I use SS) while every bowl I have had gets a more even and darker vape. The dial is slightly harder to turn with the adapter and the batteries should be very carefully removed from the sled, at least on the version I have with the batteries that I have. The 3D printed box warms during use but not the PSU. Be somewhat gentle with the battery sleds sides, at least that's how it feels! They are flexible though so maybe nothing to worry about.
1000/10 on all fronts for real. If I had to pick my biggest concern, it would only be the battery sheathes getting caught on the metal tabs of the battery sled, as can be seen in the imgur post image 1. Beyond that, this is literal perfection. The Grasshopper has leveled up.