@gofoxxx the issue as far as we can tell is not limited to any specific material or serial number range, so it is really a toss up of whether you get unlucky or not.
The issue is that shipping to some of you guys is like $30, most of you wouldn't be happy if I sent you a part that has a chance of not working for you and then asked you to pay the shipping for the replacement as well.
I see.. I have two hopers so hopefully one should work at least ...
Edit: yeah I'm going to keep testing, but with the PA or a fully charged battery, this new Hopper just can't really extract fully on any temp, a total contrast to my old ones, I guess this is one of those other warranty issues people have been mentioning, aye @abracadaver? Just my luck lol Maybe I should try the SS body with this Ti back end/assembly... Though I wonder if it's the back end controlling everything, that SS back end is still fused to that other assembly not fully screwed in, for those keeping score at home lol
Wait....this is a brand new OG GH bought from Hopper Labs and it runs COLD!!
FFS....so, what about all of the new parts, new assembly procedures, new test procedures....all of which should ensure us of working GH and IO's?
This has been my major disagreement with Hopper...I now, after mutliple RMA's, have one GH that works well and once that runs so cool I won't waste weed in it and my dissatisfaction is that they still seem to be shipping out crappy product.
How the frak can you build and ship a vape that just doesnt' get hot?
Hi Everyone,
Just finished setting up the Pick N Place machine for the battery sleds, hoping to get those assembled and tested over the weekend and have them available early next week for anyone waiting.
I still don't have any news on the updated threading other than they are still working on it, but I will keep you guys posted.
Also, we are very close to being done with assembly for everyone who completed their pre-order I think we have about 30-40 left to assemble, so if you haven't yet received a tracking number you should be getting one over the next week or so.
to be clear I did not purchase directly from Hopper labs as I said I got it from vgoodiez. So you don't need to make the presumptions, but I feel your pain!
Hi Everyone,
Just finished setting up the Pick N Place machine for the battery sleds, hoping to get those assembled and tested over the weekend and have them available early next week for anyone waiting.
I still don't have any news on the updated threading other than they are still working on it, but I will keep you guys posted.
Also, we are very close to being done with assembly for everyone who completed their pre-order I think we have about 30-40 left to assemble, so if you haven't yet received a tracking number you should be getting one over the next week or so.
Ah, so we really don't know the vintage or parts configuration in them...that is, they are no very recent Hopper Lab builds.
And, this is NOT taking a shot at Vgoodez....I like Scott a lot and IMO he's a straight shooter.
But I am glad to know that this is not a unit that just left Hopper's final testing! haha
@Shit Snacks - I had similar issues screwing onto several heater bodies, last turns not smooth, and slightly out of alignment like your picture. This happened with ones he just sent me. I let him know. Works well though, so may just be cosmetic. Perhaps the newer units address both ends of the threading issues. (have a feeling that HL had variations over the years?)
Your description of early timeout, and strange clicking/light behavior...had similar behavior with one last year that went into my hopper morgue due to frustration. Tried Max assembly, and it works better, but still erratic, so I retired it from my rotation again. I don't trust that heater body, hope you have better luck
Sucks about your hopper problems. I have several now, and can loan you a Goldilocks SS Max Frankinhopper. Not too cold, not too hot. Fire bad. Pardon the mixing of metaphors
You could compare heater bodies, by swapping the same Max assembly. I'll PM you my email address if you want to directly send me your mailing address. Max was generous with me -- I can PIF this loan until you get yours sorted
Bored, so had to post a picture
And yeah I think the problem is a lot of variation with the grasshoppers, I'm pretty sure it's the body itself that isn't screwing on even because it also was noticeable without the adapter assembly.
@Shit Snacks - Good to hear you're hoppin! My strange unit (with battery or a Max plug) will timeout within 5 seconds of a draw, but not always, very frustrating. Tried an older battery unit, and damned if it wouldn't timeout at all, had to click it off. Part of the joys of Hopperland. IIRC the "click once or twice" after timeout was a HopperLabs design change, newer units only require one click
Well, I can't say where the fault/tolerance error is occurring. I will say that both BE's very easily and very fully screw on all three bodies I have...so????
Hi, regularly looking at this thread... looks like our internationals orders are still on the hold, no problem since I prefer a fully working adapter than have to deal with issues. It looks like you enjoy it @Shit Snacks but why is it not working well with your Ti? you mentionned subpar extraction...?
Luckily I bought a Stainless Steel GH which is on my way (second hand), no Io for me, 3 seconds to wait is not so much I can live with!
I definitely want to add this to my order as well when they are ready (before the International orders ship out)First sled out of the oven, might need to make a few changes to make them easier to assemble but I should have 100 or so together by the end of the week.
I am testing it here with a button top LG 18650 battery because I accidentally grabbed the wrong battery holder when I was assembling it, but seems to work fine regardless.
Hi Max - any word on slotted adapter w revised threads?First sled out of the oven, might need to make a few changes to make them easier to assemble but I should have 100 or so together by the end of the week.
I am testing it here with a button top LG 18650 battery because I accidentally grabbed the wrong battery holder when I was assembling it, but seems to work fine regardless.
Sweet, I’d definitely like to be included in the first batch if at all possible. Thanks!First sled out of the oven, might need to make a few changes to make them easier to assemble but I should have 100 or so together by the end of the week.
I am testing it here with a button top LG 18650 battery because I accidentally grabbed the wrong battery holder when I was assembling it, but seems to work fine regardless.