I agree, the MV2 would fix a lot of issues but at this point, I wouldn’t trust buying it unless it was on the market and had great feedback/reviews. They have already showed themselves as an untrustworthy company
So you’re basically saying that you wouldn’t trust a brand new company... even one that offered a satisfaction guarantee...?Untrusting in the sense that I would not buy their product blindly as a first adopter. For instance, I got the Arizer solo 2 and did not need to hear the reviews, I knew it would be a good product because I trust the brand. The ghost brand I do not trust in the sense that I would never be an early adopter for one of their products.
So you’re basically saying that you wouldn’t trust a brand new company... even one that offered a satisfaction guarantee...?
Technically? Officially? I don’t know the exact specifics as to who is doing what at this point, but has anyone not been able to get their money back?I thought Vape Critic offered the guarantee though, not Ghost?
So I thought Id chime in after almost 2 months. Performance has gone from great to EXCELLENT for my unit. Avb is much more even, battery life is consistent and vapor production is stil excellent. I cannot speak on any specifics about the app as a beta tester but Im extremely happy with my unit. So far Ive received 3 spare mp, with 3 heat sinks and a spare battery all of which will cost for extras very soon. This was an investment in a new company and one I was extremely nervous about but as a seasoned vaporist I still have no regrets.
So I want to touch vaping on the go. I would not vape my mighty, crafty, or ghost in public. I vape discretely so how big these units are is not much of a factor. I would never take my vapcap on the go because the usage in public is too crack pipeish for me and pocketing a recently heated tip may prove difficult in a situation where you need to put it away quickly. And if i saw someone using a torch in public to light something Im thinking crack. Nothing against the vapcap as I own one but it is not a stealth vape its a small and efficient beast. GH is my go to stealth in public vape, MV1 everything else in between.
The unit hits really hard and even with MAX temp of 428 F taste never goes to popcorn spent which I dont even mind. I dont find myself needing to vape more because of the .1 chamber size either. Loading is easy now as Ive developed the muscle memory to load and unload the vape. Cleaning is easy and very quick as well with just a soak in iso or a quick wipe down. There is a video on VLF that shows one handed crucible loading and unloading and one handed cleaning for those that worried about that. The crucible lid is what Id say is the most tedious part of the mv1. Blowing the debris off helps with cleaning frequency but you should check after each session.
A vape that can be improved with an update instead of being sent in is a plus.
All the extras is a huge plus
If Im not happy after the app release i get my money back (happy before and during)
Ghost has amazing CS.
This vape was released prematurely but Im glad I was able to jump on this ghost train.
So I thought Id chime in after almost 2 months. Performance has gone from great to EXCELLENT for my unit. Avb is much more even, battery life is consistent and vapor production is stil excellent. I cannot speak on any specifics about the app as a beta tester but Im extremely happy with my unit. So far Ive received 3 spare mp, with 3 heat sinks and a spare battery all of which will cost for extras very soon. This was an investment in a new company and one I was extremely nervous about but as a seasoned vaporist I still have no regrets.
So I want to touch vaping on the go. I would not vape my mighty, crafty, or ghost in public. I vape discretely so how big these units are is not much of a factor. I would never take my vapcap on the go because the usage in public is too crack pipeish for me and pocketing a recently heated tip may prove difficult in a situation where you need to put it away quickly. And if i saw someone using a torch in public to light something Im thinking crack. Nothing against the vapcap as I own one but it is not a stealth vape its a small and efficient beast. GH is my go to stealth in public vape, MV1 everything else in between.
The unit hits really hard and even with MAX temp of 428 F taste never goes to popcorn spent which I dont even mind. I dont find myself needing to vape more because of the .1 chamber size either. Loading is easy now as Ive developed the muscle memory to load and unload the vape. Cleaning is easy and very quick as well with just a soak in iso or a quick wipe down. There is a video on VLF that shows one handed crucible loading and unloading and one handed cleaning for those that worried about that. The crucible lid is what Id say is the most tedious part of the mv1. Blowing the debris off helps with cleaning frequency but you should check after each session.
A vape that can be improved with an update instead of being sent in is a plus.
All the extras is a huge plus
If Im not happy after the app release i get my money back (happy before and during)
Ghost has amazing CS.
This vape was released prematurely but Im glad I was able to jump on this ghost train.
@SirCrackKillaH, excellent video.
*Next time try seating the heat sink in the vape 1st & then put the glass stem in.![]()
It says China on the device...where is the ghost manufactured/assembled? does it say on the box or unit anywhere?
has anyone conducted a crucible conduction test yet?
I apologize upfront as this is a long one. If you're not interested in my ramblings or myjust disregard.
@Stormsend, untrustworthy means dishonest & I guarantee you, that 99.9% of MV1 owners, even those who returned their units, would never say that Ghost Vapes (GV) as a company is dishonest. They have bent over backwards to make this situation as palatable as possible, like replacing units to those whose units weren't working at all, sending replacement stems to all purchasers, & crucibles & heat sinks to those with issues. Patrick, aka ghostvapesofficial, their Customer Service Liaison maintains a daily presence over on VL forum answering questions & addressing problems. (& I suspect after the successful release of the update he will be get over here.) If you go through their website contact, your reply will come from Whitney. I very much appreciate the continuity & personalization in dealing with the same individuals repeatedly. It's comfortable.
To an above poster, the initial returns went to Bud, but I saw that a subsequent 2 or 3 were RMA'd back to GV, so maybe the protocol has changed, but it doesn't matter who is accepting the returns as what matters is that the buy-back is still in effect until 7 days after release of a successful firmware update. Period.
GV's blunder was, foremost, changing the software in their already finished, beta-tested prototype by unlocking the heating temps during mfg &, then, releasing it without beta-testing. In doing so, the batteries are depleting super quick, the units are overheating after so many draws & not enough vapor is being produced. The queer thing is, is that everyone's unit is experiencing these issues to different degrees. And there are some, albeit, not many, who have no issues at all with their units. They are functioning like the prototype Bud got. So something definitely went horribly awry in unlocking the software.
Listen up everyone as I'm only gonna say this once: @VCBud & the other beta testers' units were the ones prior to the unlocking of the temps. So their units worked properly & well. You want to see the vapor that this can produce? See @Dazza78's video below (at end) & how marvelous the vapor output can be & should have been. Dazza got both of his units before the unlocking. This whole snafu is strictly the result of a foolish business decision, which has nothing to do with GV (or Bud!) having a lack of integrity nor does it diminish what this vape is capable of. To all the naysayers, we supporters are saying that we are sticking with the hope that GV is going to, through their firmware update, program the vape back to it's original parameters successfully. We love what the vape is about & know what it's potential is via both videos & after directly experiencing it even at reduced levels. When she hits, she's dynamite!
If you haven't watched the vid a few posts back, please do. Look at how many hits he gets out of a crucible & how much vapor the vape is capable of producing. We don't want our money back, we want what we see in this video ... as we bang our fists on the table.
The iOs beta has been in testing now for 5 - 5-1/2 weeks & was supposed to released this week, however, as I see from @MAbud post above, wherein she said that the beta-testers felt their was more that could be improved upon so they asked them to wait & GV did. (One smart group of beta-testers!)
And the Android testing began this week. So hypothetically, based on ios, say a good 5 or 8 weeks for the android version to be released. I'm not up on smartphone software, but I saw it mentioned somewhere that the Android system is more difficult to write software for. And, I believe because all the different platforms/manufacturers??? If anyone knows why, please post.
So I'm asking all of you frequenting this thread, please let's stop with bashing, even subtlely, GV, Bud and even each other. Let's discuss on this thread, not argue. Let's have a pleasant experience here. Comradery feels good.
An aside, I looked up comradery to be sure i was using it properly & taken down to it's smallest element, it's a "We're in this together" attitude.And we are!
@SirCrackKillaH, again with "f'ing."![]()
I agree! Well, for the most part... I don’t have Android so I’m not sure but I think the app is pretty close to shippable as is, being that at very least you can switch between levels, set temps on 2 and use it to apply firmware revisions...? If it’s really all basically down to the firmware at this point and if the apps work in pretty much the same fashion, why would the GUI platform matter that much?
Edit for bad eyes and a cracked screen protector.
See, and this is my ignorance... besides switch temps (which is also done without the app) and set temps on 2 levels, what does the app do other than install firmware..? (Not including account info, “Lock my vape”, “find my vape” or whatever else extraneous they have planned)FWIW, Patrick mentioned that they started with iOS because it’s more stable to develop/test with.
IOS is more stable to program and test with. That's a fact bro. I deal with all kinds of consumer based control systems. Straight up man, IOS is the standard. Android is cool and more capable sure, but IOS tends to be more stable. It's also a different market that tends to build within its own ecosystem. There's a reason why Apple is supported before Droid. Patrick is a smart cookie man. I'm still not entirely sure if he's just a tech support guy, the owner, who..? He answers everything personally and makes shit happen with haste. I'm limited on what I can say of beta but think of it like droid vs Apple apps man. I was in a room full of people and it was the debate. We had a Mighty, Crafty, two strawberry flavored spliffs, a vanilla Dutch going all around in circles man.. and we're talking about this. Man apple is snappy, it's like you flick your flingers and bam bam bam bam it's f'in there man. 1-2-3, apple is snappy. That's the word for it. But then droid has all the extra stuff man. I buy every other phone a droid. I cycle through phones yearly. I'll tell ya, having a note 4 with the expandable memory, custom user interfaces, assistants, ability to run utorrent while sitting at a Starbucks and ripping maaad movies at will while sipping my coffee is an empowering experience. IR blaster to control all the TVs, Audio equipment in the house. Hells yeah.. actually I miss it man. Imma break this apple phone in a month or two when the new note drops in price a bit, yeahhhh...FWIW, Patrick mentioned that they started with iOS because it’s more stable to develop/test with.
There's so many things wrong in your post, but since it's off-topic in the first place let's not start that "discussion". Plus it would lead nowhere anyway so...
I'm sorry I ramble sometimes nonsensically lol my fault. Curious to learn more actually, what thread should this be moved over to? I've just found companies tend to develop for iOS first.There's so many things wrong in your post, but since it's off-topic in the first place let's not start that "discussion". Plus it would lead nowhere anyway so...
I'm sorry I ramble sometimes nonsensically.
Curious to learn more actually, what thread should this be moved over to?
Non vaporizer-related topics should go in the lounge.I'm sure other long-time members know what forum this thread would belong in. I'm sure they'll pipe in.