I agree. This one has got me donating and selling off my lot

I'm sitting here totally Ghosted man. It's hard to describe if you haven't tried this thing. It's so free flowing as far as draw is concerned. It kicks your ass. Trying to go back to the Mighty is tough bro. I described it before.. face a Mighty and you can still look at a Ghost. Face a Ghost and it's hard to look at a Mighty. It punches every level it goes up. The other vapes have a drop off. It's hard to describe. When you experience it, you understand. Update has me going back to back trying to break it and I can't. Im running low to high, mid to high, low low low mid high high. It's a trip man lolI agree. This one has got me donating and selling off my lot![]()
I'm sitting here totally Ghosted man. It's hard to describe if you haven't tried this thing. It's so free flowing as far as draw is concerned. It kicks your ass. Trying to go back to the Mighty is tough bro. I described it before.. face a Mighty and you can still look at a Ghost. Face a Ghost and it's hard to look at a Mighty. It punches every level it goes up. The other vapes have a drop off. It's hard to describe. When you experience it, you understand. Update has me going back to back trying to break it and I can't. Im running low to high, mid to high, low low low mid high high. It's a trip man lol
Grind consistency is key with this vape. Hand tearing you gotta stir. Hand tearing though will snap your head off too because most of the time you put too much in. Then as it hits, it'll beat you to death. It's a wicked toy man. It's a little rocket ship. I love this rocketship man.
Probably you should start praising Ghost above everything else,and say how its main competition is not a reliable/ not on par and you will get a good one too.. Sry if that didnt sound like a joke but that guy's post sounds like a re-told story,something i've heard from someone else already in a video review,just said in different language manner,Yo ! I am not monitoring this thread lately but so far i think there are just a few long term members that are happy with it ,the way things are ATM.Did you get a good unit? That's unlocked or have you got the beta app?
Wondering how all of a sudden everyone's is fine now?
Mines still messed waiting for the app to drop and some accessories!
Well good for you. I see that 100% of your posts are in the Ghost thread , i am a hard believer and need someone who is known around here and with vast experience with other vapes to say what you did, i beg my pardon from all FC freshmen, dont take it personally.I was just trying to answer a question, although it was not directed to me.., and i added to it my impression ,which is that mostly only people who are new here have the app and/or are happy with their Ghost as it is.I don’t think anyone is truly happy without the app and firmware revision... I have it and I’m pretty happy but I’m also not a “long term member” either... and probably never will be...
Cool man, I think I understood you initially and I didn’t take it personally... In fact, I don’t blame you at all for feeling like you do. It makes complete sense.Well good for you. I see that 100% of your posts are in the Ghost thread , i am a hard believer and need someone who is known around here and with vast experience with other vapes to say what you did, i beg my pardon from all FC freshmen, dont take it personally.I was just trying to answer a question, although it was not directed to me.., and i added to it my impression ,which is that mostly only people who are new here have the app and/or are happy with their Ghost as it is.
Well good for you. I see that 100% of your posts are in the Ghost thread , i am a hard believer and need someone who is known around here and with vast experience with other vapes to say what you did, i beg my pardon from all FC freshmen, dont take it personally.I was just trying to answer a question, although it was not directed to me.., and i added to it my impression ,which is that mostly only people who are new here have the app and/or are happy with their Ghost as it is.
Thanks you for your thoughts,dude !So far my MV1 is quite good in terms of quality and potency although there is some unevenness in abv.
The vast majority of the time I use my MV1 for concentrates and @funkyjunky 's Tubo for dry herb.
I'm waiting for the app to see how big of a difference it makes.
For concentrates the mv1 is my go to, it's like the FF2 but easier.
For dry herb I feel that the Tubo does everything that I wanted from the ghost but better.
If you think the mv1 is free flowing then you haven't tried the Tubo, the draw is completely open, the flavor's better, and it's much easier to load.
With the Tubo I can choose bent glass stem, water adapter to any piece or a whip. Not to mention the vapor path has 0 silicone.
The vapor from the MV1 is cooler than the Tubo sometimes, but if I use a different stem, say a dry hydrotube then the vapor is about the same temperature.
The Tubo has the ability to be more powerful than the MV1 because the heater seems stronger and I can load a lot more in a stem than a crucible.
The MV1 does have the best battery life, although the Tubo's batteries run out quick they're easily swappable.
For me the issue with the MV1 is in convenience. It's big, heavy, and awkward to load, but once you're using it it's great.
If you're only planning to use 1 crucible it's not too bad, when you want to reload a hot crucible that's when it starts to become annoying.
I'm still reaching for my Tubo or Omnivap for solo dry herb first, and I prefer my IQ for groups.
The MV1 is a great portable option for concentrates though. It's got a super long battery life, smooth vapor, and no stirring or charring with concentrates.
Overall I like my MV1 enough that I'm not going to return it, but it definitely has not replaced my other vaporizers.![]()
Probably you should start praising Ghost above everything else,and say how its main competition is not a reliable/ not on par and you will get a good one too.. Sry if that didnt sound like a joke but that guy's post sounds like a re-told story,something i've heard from someone else already in a video review,just said in different language manner,Yo ! I am not monitoring this thread lately but so far i think there are just a few long term members that are happy with it ,the way things are ATM.
Well good for you. I see that 100% of your posts are in the Ghost thread , i am a hard believer and need someone who is known around here and with vast experience with other vapes to say what you did, i beg my pardon from all FC freshmen, dont take it personally.I was just trying to answer a question, although it was not directed to me.., and i added to it my impression ,which is that mostly only people who are new here have the app and/or are happy with their Ghost as it is.
The MV1 is a great portable option for concentrates though. It's got a super long battery life, smooth vapor, and no stirring or charring with concentrates.
Sorry if I messed up again... I catch your drift loud and clear...I love the question!
How about starting a thread in Ask FC?
It's already been done! Just head over to Ask FC!Sorry if I messed up again... I catch your drift loud and clear...
If the question does interest others or hasn’t already been asked there, I suggest someone else do it...
Edit: or I guess I will do it either way regardless...![]()
My only issue here is that there are already lots of very good and much cheaper options for concentrates-only users (carts with with TC mods, e.g. divine tribe, source orb 4, etc).
I think the MV1 needs to shine with herb, that's what I would use it for. I too am waiting for reviews by experienced members.
I wouldn't consider myself an expert on vapes in any context but I have been here for 3+ years and I'm a big fan of the MV1. For me, it extracts quickly, evenly and effectively. The flavor is good in the early stages and never gets to the full-on popcorn/cardboard. The usage ergonomics are good (not so much the loading ergonomics). The vapor is relatively cool. All things being equal, I will reach for the MV1.
However, I am having this issue with the three clicks not registering to put the thing in vape mode. Last night, my time constraints were too tight to fuck with it, so it went back into storage. I had a message from Patrick at Ghost that said the iOS app/firmware update should be available in 12-24 hours and he believes it will resolve my issue. Unfortunately, that was four days ago.
They have a lot riding on this app, so I'm ok with them trying to get it right (the clusterfuckness will go to new levels here if the app doesn't resolve at least a substantial portion of the issues it is promised to resolve). My preference is that they not slip into the Hopper Labs pattern of promise-miss-promise-miss-promise-miss...
I ended up selling my MV1 and sticking with the mighty and I’m glad I did. This was oversold by VC and was underwhelming. If your having a good experience with yours than that’s great but my unit was very inconsistent with cooking the material, I waited for the app and it is just taking too long. Also I have to agree with many others that the people who purchased (myself included) are beta testers. There is no reason anyone should still be waiting for the app.
I have no idea to be honest. I don’t want to call him a liar and I don’t think he intentionally mislead people, but and I’m only speaking for myself here, my unit would work fine then the next session, it would not cook material like it did the last session. Maybe he had a good unit? Regardless, to me I think his credibility is done, also it is rude how he treats other people who insult him. I some people are annoying and verbally abusive to him, but that comes with the territory and I don’t think he did himself any favors by lashing out at certain members of his forum and calling them names.I see it much differently than you do with all respect Stormsend. But my question to you is..... Do you think the units we have and what you had....are identical in function to what Bud used/uses in his reviews?
I agree, the MV2 would fix a lot of issues but at this point, I wouldn’t trust buying it unless it was on the market and had great feedback/reviews. They have already showed themselves as an untrustworthy company2 is happening for sure. And hopefully a fix is forthcoming
I agree, the MV2 would fix a lot of issues but at this point, I wouldn’t trust buying it unless it was on the market and had great feedback/reviews. They have already showed themselves as an untrustworthy company
Untrusting in the sense that I would not buy their product blindly as a first adopter. For instance, I got the Arizer solo 2 and did not need to hear the reviews, I knew it would be a good product because I trust the brand. The ghost brand I do not trust in the sense that I would never be an early adopter for one of their products.Really? Untrustworthy? That seems like quite a stretch.
They said to sign up and they would notify me when it was my turn to order. They did.
They shipped the unit immediately and told me when I would receive it. I did.
They sent me a new mouthpiece and tube because they weren't happy with the originals.
They said that the app would not be ready at release and that has proven incredibly true ().
My unit performs as promised, with no need for stirring.
I have had much worse experiences with Grasshopper Labs, the Elevape folks and the Pinnacle Pro folks. Ghost seems intent on resolving issues, which is much more than I can say for Elevape or PNP.
You may have had a legitimately bad experience but that doesn't mean they are untrustworthy.