(zombie) Woof.
Make sure no iso gets on the black MP stopper/holder/seal thingy. The ceramic does get sanded down smooth on the inside eventually. I don’t even notice it at all anymore. Can it be lubricated, just on the tip of the glass? Pulling and seating the sink gets better... even pulling the MP out one handed gets better, tho I’ve taken to using my teef and holding the sink with my chin kinda or the body with my hand and pull... Heh, I vape alone a lot...Beta testers no least we got a fast charger I guess.
One of my biggest complaints is the mouth piece. I have constant grinding and it doesn’t latch well when I extend it. Furthermore it’s impossible to pull out without holding the heat sink in place with my other hand. Ghost said we’re all getting a new ceramic holder with a smoother interior finish in addition the redesigned MP sent free as soon as they are available. Free backups? Coooool. The fact this needs to be a 2 handed operation is ridiculous
Ok I’ll shut up now for awhile, I promise!

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