Here's another pic of that case I mentioned in my above post. I definitely want something just like this for my Ghost:
@Slagzord, the heat sink is durable as heck so it's not gonna break. The only advantage is if you want to have an extra one to swap out if it gets dirty & you don't want to jump on cleaning it or if you tear the silicone gasket. But it's really easy to clean it 1, 2, 3 by throwing everything except the silicone in ISO & taking a quick toothbrush scrub to it. Once dried, it's ready to go again.
The stem now is plastic, not glass, so unless you step on it, it won't break. The website is only selling the glass stems. Don't know when they are going to sell the plastic.
Right now they don't have the stealth black heat sink or mp for sale, so I'd hold out until they do, unless you want the chrome hs & clear glass mp. Maybe by the time the stealth black hs & stems are available a vape case may also be available.
I agree with SCH that having an extra battery to swap out is a must. And I would pick up a pkg. of crucibles. I like the crucible holder, but if you need to get by cheaply, you can pick up a 3D printed one from I have these also & they work well, especially since they are so compact if you only want to transport 1 - 4 crucibles.
So I say, get the device in hand, use it & if it's for you, then make further investment.
The thing looks sturdy af from the vids, but I've never seen a Ghost in the wild, so to say, and was wondering.
You can crack someone's skull with it. It's like a brick. I believe, having just read somewhere yesterday, that it weighs 400+ grams.
And at the top of this page is a pic gallery of the Stealth Black Ghost to make you go a little more wild.