I think it's as simple as water impacts the entropy of vaporisation for the heavier more hardy molecules (like cannabinoids).
Basically the mass of water absorbs energy, and then that energy is converted into the expanding molecules of steam. When there's less water mass, then less energy is utilised in creating steam and you get a more rapid volatisation of hydrocarbons. This causes more potent/concentrated vapour and increased efficacy.
So, with its noisy PWM circuitry and optimised algorithms, the Ghost is best matched with extra dry herb because it is designed to use power efficiently. It can be overwhelmed, and there's no sensor to detect that more power draw is required to combat the loss of energy (either to juicy fresh/uncured bud, or if there is a compromise in the airflow in the device). The coil is driving everything and relies on transferring X energy to a known chamber size.
Nearly every vape causes an overabundance of energy dispersed unevenly, so for many devices moisture content is almost desirable as it can buffer the intensity and lessen surface charring.
It's weird the Ghost can't dry buds with just a toke, leading to a big second hit. I'm sure it can do this with a certain lower moisture level, but I can't say I've ever measured moisture content with cannabis. So how would most users know. Dry =\= dry.
I've had plenty of experience measuring industrial poppies, which gives me some reference of spongyness, but equipment is expensive and big pharma is only just getting into cannabis now, very early days.
Perhaps dispenseries have this measurement, I'd guess it's done pretty shabbily though.
The only reason I was measuring moisture for crops was for large scale powderised storage to prevent fire risk (16% analysed cut off which is very, very dry, 18% is malleable, 20+% is squishy, best I saw was 8% and it could be dusted by hand) most bud I get is definitely malleable to squishy. I'd have to dry nugs purposefully to get them to crumble. Obviously it varies, but it's interesting to consider.
As an engineered device, the Ghost is fairly considered. However I am also never using one because of the unknown dyed siloxane material in the airpath. It's likely not deadly, but people detecting it for several heat cycles makes it seem uncured and totally undesirable. Vaporisation is keyly about health risk aversion for me, but it introduces a thoroughly understudied complexity and has birthed an unregulated market.
I've asked for info and heard nothing, it really bothers me that they just claim it isn't in the vapour path when it is in the air-path and the vapour path. Their stance on off-gassing videos was also unsavoury. Health risks aside too, it's just low quality. Like their PWM chips. I've already veered away from platinum cured, smooth bored siloxane whip, not because it's risky but because it isn't suitable and requires occasional replacement. For the asking price and with an android flagship, no thanks to the Ghost.
I do like where vapes are going, these dynamics without skimping on the details would be absolutely awesome. I'll keep watching.
Ghost Herbal Concepts should bring out an interchangeable 18650 device, with onboard intuitive controls, a proper chamber with suitable insulation, better form factor (stable standing up), included fast charger, secure airpath and top shelf components. Without those things, to my mind it's lacking in too many ways to justify the price.
If others are content with its features, and can manage feeding it ideal dankness, it sounds like a great time! Enjoy it and keep us posted