Ok, so I'm going to weigh in on the subject that was brought up about Ghost having screwed the pooch on the launch.
Disclosure - I have an MV-1, it does not have the firmware update that the app provides (to someone who asked how an app can change the vapes behavior...it cannot, but it does provide the ability to download updated firmware that indeed does control the vape's behavior) and I'm not on the beta team due to conflicting personal commitments at this time. My MV-1 is one of the ones that works pretty dang good on a newly charged battery. Really well, in fact, but when they issue the final firmware I expect to also benefit from some improvement in performance.
So, I agree that the launch was not handled right in a couple of areas. Yes, it was released prematurely. Yes, I strongly suspect that what they touted as 'beta' testing was more just demo's at Slightly Stoopid concerts and apparently they gave some units to the band's roadies. But no, this was not an adequate beta test and we are seeing that proved out now as issues are being identified, root causes nailed down, and fixes being put in place in the firmware. This definitely should have been done before they made it generally available (GA, yeah?).
BUT, I also remember many posters on a number of boards whining like kids who can't hold their water over every delay from dates that Ghost actually never published. I have no interest in cross referencing people who clamored constantly for this vape to be released with those who are now clamoring for their head for having a premature release (he, he, he....no, not that kind LOL). I don't care and I'm not trying to make this an interpersonal debate.
But I remember seeing the posts.....much of it was frankly embarrassing to me as a fellow member.
So, IMO Ghost's biggest mistake was giving into that pressure to release. They would have been better off taking Haze's approach to the Square....go silent, run a beta, when its all done, then publicize the vape's release.
Along with that, any development program manager who has ever run a product development life cycle gate model will tell you that it ain't GA until EVERYTHING is in place....spares, accessories, CS and CS training, publications and tech data (in this case, a real owner's manual and not just a quick start guide), and of course the app which is required to provide certain functions of the vape.
Yes, they made mistakes, but many members of the same community that is criticizing them for an premature product release were also holding a fire to their feet to get it out.
That's just the way I remember it.
Cheers all