Pretty cool the app will straighten stuff out. Fuckingcombustion technology!

Yeah, it confuses me how an app can correct tunneling?
So my journey so far with this vape began when I received it on Wed, put it on slow charge for 8 hours. Thursday, burn-off. As I thought the silicone was most likely causing the outgassing (smoke/smell), I removed the top silicone piece. The small, bottom silicone piece not removable. For 6 cycles, I got the same smoking (& strong, stinky odor) as @Gibarian. (I knew it was the silicone outgassing because I sniffed the removed piece & it smelled the same.) Put a couple of drops of dawn detergent in lukewarm water & swished & massaged the removed piece to see if that would prevent any smoking when reinserted. Well, it may have as there was no smoke only the strong smell once again. Burned off for another 6 cycles until smell softened. Then I gave up.
Strictly concerning the functioning, I will say that battery life is poor, just only about 30 cycles before needing a recharge, am experiencing periodic overheating, & am having inconsistent heating sessions. First 6 bowls went well. [The 1st 2 hits on level 3 are very good (cloud & flavor), next 2, wispier.] Then these last 2 bowls no vapor, only flavor -- same herb, the heatsink was pressed solidly in & the battery had just been fully charged. ??? This last bowl (lesser quality herb) produced clouds, but not as nice as bowls 1 - 6.
Are you doing this with your used Pax 2 and IQ or are these brand new units? If it's used, it is probably just crumbs of AVB and built up resin from all you previous sessions.
When using the App you will be able to adjust the temperature in 1 degree increments on levels 4&5. Experimentation with temperature, heat levels and stem adjustments will allow you to customize and find your own perfect setting...
No you can not use the app to set each and every preset to what temp you want. It will allow you to do that with just 2 of the presets though.
Ok, I no longer have the mv1 so unless anyone has a question I could answer with my limited knowledge of the device or ghost comes up with a new cruicible this one's checked off my list.![]()
@OldNewbie, I'm surmising that GV is now doing the returns for people who bought through the VL site as one gal requested a return & the return label came from GV. Can't expect @VCBud to eat this as this whole scenario is not his doing.
How do you initiate a return please? I'm having the same problems. A couple of tokes on 3 gives OK clouds, then whispy, then nothing. Poor flavour. Almost bitter. Even on 2 reds. AVB still green brown, sometimes black bits. Overheats from time to time. Bad burning taste even with no vapour. Don't like it having a silicone pathway. How are you supposed to clean the silicone when it inevitably gets gunged up? How do you clean the ceramic sleeve around the element? Can't see how the App is going to fix all this stuff. Can't understand why they released faulty units. It's doing irreparable to the brand.
But why? This is completely brain-dead no? If it's all digital and the app is obviously able to mess with all settings including the presets, it means there's nothing preventing this feature.
Just let the user edit all damn settings and provide sensible default ones for those not wanting to install and use the app. What is the reason not to?
@OldNewbie, I'm surmising that GV is now doing the returns for people who bought through the VL site as one gal requested a return & the return label came from GV. Can't expect @VCBud to eat this as this whole scenario is not his doing.
How do you initiate a return please? I'm having the same problems. A couple of tokes on 3 gives OK clouds, then whispy, then nothing. Poor flavour. Almost bitter. Even on 2 reds. AVB still green brown, sometimes black bits. Overheats from time to time. Bad burning taste even with no vapour. Don't like it having a silicone pathway. How are you supposed to clean the silicone when it inevitably gets gunged up? How do you clean the ceramic sleeve around the element? Can't see how the App is going to fix all this stuff. Can't understand why they released faulty units. It's doing irreparable to the brand.
Its potentially a very nice vape that shouldve went into beta testing or if they did, further testing, the working ones had very positive replies here and the negative ones are all similar, uneven avb, temperature weirdness, etc... launch means everything should be working 98% for whoever gets unit, this is a sloppy launch lol, so after those minor negatives are remedied (crucible redesign?) Then this will be a S class vape
But i mean, bud gives u 30 day return guarantee, thats a very nice gesture to beta test for them for 30 days lol
Needless to say, I'll never be getting another vape that looks like a crazy science experiment. In fact, I'm surprised that Bud did. I remember when he reviewed the Sublimator and hated it because of the science experiment look.
I would be feeling much better if there was some ghost representation here
@OldNewbie, I'm surmising that GV is now doing the returns for people who bought through the VL site as one gal requested a return & the return label came from GV. Can't expect @VCBud to eat this as this whole scenario is not his doing.
I'm not sure why I was tagged in this post.
Can anyone point me to the actual guarantee?
On a quick glance, those who are relying on such a statement are not going to have a legal remedy if things go bad.standing by to happily buy back mv1s from anyone who is not satisfied
This comes from ghost vape guy Patrick.
"After downloading the firmware update, you will experience a dramatic improvement in performance across the board. Battery life will be extended and you will experience the same level of performance at any level of charge. The device will be far more forgiving in terms of draw technique and you shouldn't experience charring at any level. ABV will be very uniform with no need for stirring. When using the App you will be able to adjust the temperature in 1 degree increments on levels 4&5. Experimentation with temperature, heat levels and stem adjustments will allow you to customize and find your own perfect setting..."
Funny....for me it is opposite. I like the futuristic look of its design. I am glad it is not some cheap looking plastic box like most of them for sale now. But....I would never make a decision to return or like something in a vape just because of its looks. I am full on function over fashion any day.
I am enjoying everything about the MV1. I've had mine for about a week now, and I really like every aspect of it. I have not encountered no burnt material at all. Love the design, love the weight, and definitely love the results.For sure. When I say looks, I also mean design and of course I would never send a vape back if it performed amazingly well either. As stated before that was hardly the case with the unit I had and for the price, function and look it's just not my bag. I need larger chambers as I dont want to change out a crucible 5 times a day. Still need as much convection only as possible, dont need an app to control my device and I don't want to have to update my device by relying on that app (or at all). I've learned a lot from using it for sure.
I am enjoying everything about the MV1. I've had mine for about a week now, and I really like every aspect of it. I have not encountered no burnt material at all. Love the design, love the weight, and definitely love the results.
+1Yeah. Seems like you're one of the lucky ones![]()
Ghost is highly present but on the VCBud's Vapelife Forum. I can understand why they are not here as no need to use multiple forums in their situation, it is probably more than enough for them to keep up with the other forum let alone this giant one with its back and forth possibilities they would have to endure.