This is the first vaporizer I am really looking forward to launching. If it can stand up without tipping over at the slightest touch, is convection, stirring not required, and produces lots of vapor what is not to like. Let's be honest, aside from the Pax configuration, most vapes are not things of beauty. Personally I like the shape, unique, not to obtrusive, and seems to fit the hand very nicely. The shape of the vaporizer may be somewhat responsible for all the custom pieces having to be designed, but just a guess. I am glad the Vape Critic is involved in the early design stages and am happy he can finally reap the monetary rewards his reviews warrant. Hopefully his input will address those areas of a vaporizer he is most often critical of; difficult learning curve to produce satisfying vapor, having to stir the bowl contents to get maximum extraction, battery life, quality of vapor produced (taste, heat, amount), and necessary maintenance. Hope it will be closer to what we all anticipate and not another GH fiasco.