Playing far cry 4 not the ps4 ATM
I haven't really done much by way of missions, but I have finished act 1 apparently
Just as with far cry 3, I've spent a good chunk of my time so far just hunting animals and skinning them I craft upgrades from their pelts

I'm basically getting all my gear upgraded as high as it will go without killing the legendary animals, then clearing most/all the towers, then jumping back into the mission progression.
It feels really similar to far cry 3 or me - it may not have the most involving story, or the best AI, but damn if it isn't fun as hell running around and doing stuff...
Oh, a setting stuff in fire and watching it spread is super satisfying - I wish more games with flame weapons would implement these sorta burning physics

- it makes you actually think for a second before you hurl that Molotov
Picked up destiny a few days before far cry, I'm only a few hours in to that, but it seems cool - I def need to throw another 5-10 hours into it before I know how much I'll really like it though
I also picked up batman arkham origins when I got destiny - I'm probably only 20-25% through arkham city, but arkham origins was only $18, so I couldn't say no
Then after all that, I want to grab borderlands the pre sequel too...
So many games, so little time