I've felt really underwhelmed by Diablo 3 so far...
Only have 1 character so far - a demon hunter (maybe level 17-20, I haven't played in a few weeks), and while the combat looks cool, it just doesn't feel very fun IME...
I know there's a shit tonne more to unlock, and a whole bunch of other classes, but yeah, underwhelming is how I'd sum up my reaction to diablo 3...
(I've never played any of the other diablo games)
Been playing a bit of Batman: Arkham City recently.
The controls feel a little clunky, but overall I'm having fun with it - gliding around the city grappling hooking things and doing the grapnel boost is giving me flashbacks to just cause 2
I'm thinking of grabbing Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel, but I still haven't finished Borderlands 2 yet
I'm also pumped for Far Cry 4 coming out soon