I got a 3DS xl last week and have been playing Resident Evil Revelations, pretty cool game, I never expected another RE game to be good after the abomination that was RE5 but I like this a fair bit. Super Mario 3D Land just arrived today but haven't played it yet as I've been more wrapped up in my new space case grinder which arrived at the same time...
Have had more spare time as well as more money than usual recently hence gaming a bit more than I normally would. Got Deus Ex: Human Revolution for my 360 about a month ago (mostly as it was really cheap) and it's an awesome game but I'm still only like 15% into it, it's pretty epic. I don't like it quite as much as the original Deus Ex but it's great nonetheless. There's so much attention to detail that it really takes a while to start to appreciate it, kind of like a really great album where every track is so unique and great in it's own that you can't really appreciate/absorb it properly without multiple listens... The first couple of hours of playing the new Deus Ex it felt a bit underwhelming then all of a sudden I was just like holy fuck, this is amazing

(though weed also helped..)
And I ordered Mortal Kombat for 360 online a while back since it was banned in Australia for some absurd reason... I've been playing that quite a lot, perfect game to play right after getting high when you just need something that doesn't require a lot of concentration or thought...
Will probably buy RE6 as soon as it comes out (less than 2 weeks...) but I'm keeping my expectations extremely low for it, but hopefully it's decent. Also I really liked Silent Hill Downpour which came out earlier this year (Silent Hill is probably my fav game series ever) despite it being a bit technically unpolished, and definitely not as scary/disturbing as the older SH games. The HD Collection which was just SH2 and 3 got a lot of negative press but my copy (360 PAL version) wasn't that terrible overall, but it definitely had issues and was inferior overall to the original PS2 games.
Oh and also been playing Project Zero aka Fatal Frame (PS2 version) which is a cool old school survival horror game. I bought the second game in the series too but for Xbox instead of PS2 as the xbox version was way cheaper, but so far I haven't had any luck actually installing the update on my 360 that would allow it to play original xbox games, so that kinda sucks but I'll probably figure out soon enough.
Looking forward to GTA V and Bioshock Infinite...