***Gamers*** What are you playing?


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Finished Ys X: Nordics the other week. Really love this series for the great combat and the exploration but every game seems to get talkier and talkier than the last, RPGs really need a mode that just replaces each cut/dialog scene with a single paragraph of text or something... That aside this was either the best Ys game I ever played or a close second! I like how they replaced the defend missions that the last 2 games had with invasion missions, always found the defend missions to be kind of a drag but the invasions were pretty cool and fun to play!

Also, looking forward to this in 2025:

Won't be as cool without the gamepad but I'm glad that more people will get a chance to play this great game that right now is only for Wii U! My most played Wii U game...


Well-Known Member
Path Of Exile 2 POE2 is coming out on 6th December. I do not do a whole load of gaming but will be doing lots of this I feel.

It is an MMO so if anyone is playing it we can maybe add each other if anyone else is going to be playing it?

All it costs is your time :)


Well-Known Member
I kind of loathe buying games, music, movies, etc… digitally but so many games I wanted cost like nothing at the Steam sales right now and the ability for Steam to run a lot of Windows games under linux is pretty awesome so I bought a bunch. Just spent about 2 hours revisiting F.E.A.R and wow, what a great game, still. The combat is tough but something about it is satisfying to a level that most games I’ve played seem like they couldn’t even dream about and then on top of that it has little things, like the in-combat enemy radio chatter and dialog, that add nicely to the intensity of it all. So many things in this game are so incredibly well done and it all comes together perfectly. It’s a horror-themed game, which I like, and the story is decent albeit somewhat generic but ironically a lot of the horror elements seem like they serve only to slow down the game. It’s $2 right now and it includes the two expansions so definitely check it out if it interests you. Back in 2005 this was a game that took a lot to run well and it’s also kind of satisfying to see it run maxed out on a modern but nowhere near high end PC with ease too! Sadly the two sequels could not run under Proton when I tried them but maybe someday...

Looking forward to getting my hands on with some updated classics, like Mario and Zelda.
All of the Mario games I’ve played have been pretty great but of the 3D Mario games Super Mario 3D World is my favorite by a lot, way better than the Switch native one, Odyssey, even though it was also quite good.
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Chancellor of Germany being shown a Steam Deck in Ukraine.


Pretty sure they're using Decks to do drone strikes, but you can just tell 'ol Olaf is thinking "Red Dead would slap on this thing" :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Dam need to pay £23 to play path of exile 2 in early access but will be free on full release in 6 month. Well just paid for EA and is on in 1 minute but servers are down atm so.


Chancellor of Germany being shown a Steam Deck in Ukraine.

Pretty sure they're using Decks to do drone strikes, but you can just tell 'ol Olaf is thinking "Red Dead would slap on this thing" :shrug:
decks could be used for drones but unlikely. For 10+ years, I have flown countless aircraft with more simple PS2 DualShock controllers. Cost is practically disposable at $10-15 for a wireless controller, easily programmable and less complex when paired with a simple ground station.
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Well-Known Member
decks could be used for drones but unlikely. For 10+ years, I have flown countless aircraft with more simple PS2 DualShock controllers. Cost is practically disposable at $10-15 for a wireless controller, easily programmable and less complex when paired with a simple ground station.

You're right. I heard wrong. They're using them to remote control turrets.


Crazy because I heard these things are hard to come by outside of the US.

Mr Turnip

Well-Known Member
Back on the division decent game and was roughly £3.

I don't use mic or owt as I usually play in bed. But if anyone wants to add me on steam I'd like to do a few missions.


Well-Known Member
Apropos of nothing, I'm playing this 2014 game for the first time:


Happy to report, it's a banger 👍


I'm on PC, but if your a PlayStationer you can get all the recent Wolfenstein games for $12



Well-Known Member
Street Fighter 6!
Most intense game I've ever played.

I was into Elden Ring for a couple of runs and that pretty much ruined games for me. Everything was easy mode after that and would get boring. Didn't really get hooked on other souls games. Sekiro doesn't cut... loved cutting down that ape!

Hoky smokes though. My bro showed me SF6 when it first came out and I didnt think much of it. Then I began to understand it and went from modern to classic controls and the game's nuances just keep blooming.
Been playing for a over a year and I still walk away with my hand shaking. Not relaxing at all... but somehow enjoyable. Have to quit a while before bed time... I'm getting fired up just writing about it.


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Got a new video card (RX6650 XT) so it was finally time to play DooM (2016). Really enjoyed this once I stopped complaining about the silly glory kill thing (there really should be an option to disable this, it's so cumbersome...), my only real complaint is the lack of lots of wide-open, flat spaces to fight though. Every time I turned around I was getting stuck on something or backing into something, some boss fights kinda suffered because of this. I'm too used to the original games, went from Final Doom TNT: Evilution (through GZDoom, with Brutal Doom mod) to this so the lack of space was very noticeable.

The other day I finished up a replay of the original Far Cry. It was cool to play it all maxed out but this game was a lot more frustrating than I remembered even though I remembered it as being very hard. The AI seemed pretty buggy sometimes with guys just standing there and some doing things like running back and forth or running in circles but it didn't happen enough to make the game not seem hard. The sniper rifle in this is so awesome because of the distance it can hit from; feels like you're getting headshots from like a mile away! Even if you never miss at all with it they definitely don't give you enough ammo for this thing...


No thoughts, head empty
Just got around to finishing Monster Hunter World and the Iceborne expansion in preparation for MH Wilds coming out at the end of February! Used to play the base game back in 2019 but my computer had issues running the snow physics introduced in Iceborne (and I discovered I was really bad at Insect Glaive against Iceborne monsters) so I dropped it. Really enjoy the soulslike (soulslite?) combat combined with generally brighter aesthetics and slightly more forgiving mechanics like being able to retreat and restock without fully restarting the fight. Really enjoyed how they implemented the returning monsters too, just gearing up to fight my personal favourite monster Raging Brachydios.

I tried to play MH Rise (the most recent installment) but combat in its engine is slower than World’s and I had trouble properly parrying. Probably will try it again on a trip after the Switch 2 comes out since my current Switch is starting to show its age.


Well-Known Member
I decided to play Days Gone because I love open worlds, post-apocalyptic atmosphere and a gripping story. I want to explore the world, fight freakers and upgrade my bike. More games like this. Is there anything else similar?
Nope. It's the best. Sorry. Good luck chasing that dragon 🐉


Well-Known Member
Wondering if anybody else got into the Elden Ring Nightreign network test over the weekend? If so what were your thoughts? I enjoyed it a lot but still have some questions. Coming from someone who has dumped near a thousand hours into Elden Ring i don’t think it will attract many newcomers.


Well-Known Member
Wondering if anybody else got into the Elden Ring Nightreign network test over the weekend? If so what were your thoughts? I enjoyed it a lot but still have some questions. Coming from someone who has dumped near a thousand hours into Elden Ring i don’t think it will attract many newcomers.
I haven't played any of the expansions. Are they worth dumping more time in?
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