***Gamers*** What are you playing?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried it lately? When the DLC dropped, Fromsoft patched in letting you use the freaky little horse during the fight. Makes it much easier.
really?? i try to kill him 23 times with 2 guys yesterday :doh: i try again later thank you !!! now im using the dual magma blade +9 at lvl 132
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delta hotel

Well-Known Member
I haven't tried the last boss since the patch, but using Torrent should help. I've platinumed every FROM game since the original Demon's Souls, and I hate that they continue to do things like that boss-by the time you're close enough to hit it, it's so large that you can't see what it's doing or anything else. This coupled with the fact that you spent the other half of the time chasing it down if you were a melee build, but the horse should fix that.


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Paris 2077

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