I really am hooked

I actually picked up Nioh 2 to play after I finished Sekiro. My second attempt, I refunded the first time, thought I'd give it another go.
The simpleness of Sekiro appeals more though, so I'm now trying for the platinum. Will be the first game I've ever had the platinum on , if I pull it off.
Lol, it is masochistic though. I spent so long on Sword Saint., but man what a fight when I pulled it off. N it felt so good.
I've completed Elden ring also.
The thing that gets me with Sekiro is that I do feel like I'm getting better , learning, becoming more skilled. Lol, not if yah watched me getting my arse kicked tonight by the ape though
Elden ring I just lvled up or used different tactics.
Good game , I enjoyed it. But I didn't get that same feeling of accomplishment.
Sekiro lvling up doesn't really change owt.
Sekiro also always seems fair to me. My lack of skill..
Have you tried Lords of the Fallen?
I'm tempted ... Reviews are very mixed though..
Think it's that fog issue that's making me wary.