Fuck the judge that condemned two of my best friends to a life in a cage!
A fucking 'hunter' bastard was found guilty initially for an (imo) hiddeous crime but now he got acquitted (in appeal).
His crime you might ask?
A guy was taking his Macaw out for some free flight on an open spot.
The tame, blue/yellow bird was doing circles (wearing a harness btw) while his owner took a stroll...
Suddenly the bird got shot (and died from injuries).
A licensed 'hunter' came at the scene and said he thought it was a rogue bird so he shot the 'dangerous exotic' at sight, out of precaution.
Said sorry, but he didn't see the owner, just an honest mistake... No biggie...
So the owner took it to court and the hunter was found guilty: Killing an endangered species. Killing somebody's pet/buddy. Shooting outside season. Shooting in huntfree zone...
But the worthless piece of crap brave birdkiller felt the need to appeal and found himself a judge that clearly is hunting-affiliated/affected by lobbying and guess what: he got completely off the hook.
Worthless pos judge ruled: free flying macaws can be exterminated at sight, they are considered an "invasive exotic" so must be treated likewise... So no fine, no crime. Thank you, come again!

That's just bullshit all the way... The definition of "invasive exotic species" simply doesn't apply for these birds:
-Invasive? Escaped macaws will most likely not survive (climate/food) long term on their own. And even if a rogue couple magically was formed (low chances, these are expensive birds and most escapees will be totally unable to live free after a life in a cage), that unlikely pair would never succeed in breeding/raising chicks out here so they just don't qualify as "invasive".
-What's more: to be an invasive species the "exotic" animal has to put pressure on local wildlife or flora, taking over habitat and foodsources... But they don't have an impact since they don't eat away any local foods... They might eat some fruit but they rely on their owners (and me) for their real diet.
They don't kill/chase away/compete with any local wildlife. At all! The birds in the hood know them by now.. They don't mind...
There's plenty of invasive exotics around that cause real problems. (frogs, fish, wallaroo's,...)
This is totally different.
-Exotics! Ok, that part is true... But they are completely harmless and very few owners have the balls (or the knowledge) to risk keeping them free fight so it's really unlikely there will ever be completely independent macaws living/thriving here... They will never grow in numbers (maybe after some more global warming) or become an issue...
So all this means that the two macaws that have been completely free flying in my neighbourhood for three years are now locked up in an outdoor cage during the day.
Since some random, frustrated "hunter" can just kill them and refer to this verdict when caught...
Unreal imo...
The first time i saw them fly free i was totally baffled!
Took some time and perseverance to gain their trust and make them curious/interested and follow me around...
I'll never forget the first time they landed on my arm, was the first, next to their owner, they trusted enough for that...
Really a magical moment (magic imo anyway, but i've always been a bird man rather than a word man

Three years later i still love everything about them: how they fly perfectly in sync!
How they play-fight hanging upside down in the trees, how they come over and land on my arms or shoulder. How arrogant they can be! How impressive their beak and their size is.... How careful they eat nuts out of the shell. How they sound and look like dragons when they stuntfly while playfully fighting midair...
But foremost i enjoyed seeing such animals treated/kept how they should be treated: Free to fly, roar thru the sky and do what they want!! (Also regret that i didn't find out before that these birds can be kept freeflight! That they just come home at dusk (like pigeons...)
I honestly consider these birds dear and true friends, there's always nuts in my pocket...
But for now my buddies, Rio and Mila, live in a cage... The first three years of their life they experienced freedom and perfected their flying skills. They explored, roared and enjoyed being birds.
Must feel punished and claustrophobic, puzzled why they are locked up suddenly...
I can't explain how bad this makes me feel... Might change my dogwalking route so i don't see them caged... And so they don't see me... They did the other day and called me/started to climb the cage in agitation...
Felt so sad...
The case will go to court again so hopefully things might change but that might take a while so can only hope they don't (self)mutilate from frustration cause that might compromise their flying skills long term...
Poor fellas!
Such a motherfucking shame, messes with my mood, sleep and even with my dreams goddammit.
So once more, for the record:
Fuck you, judge! With a rusty hammer...
And fuck you, triggerhappy murdering "hunter" cocksucker! With a shiny crowbar, twice!
Good thing i don't know your names/addresses...
Sorry for the long post but i guess i needed to vent.
Really: what kind of person does it take to grab his gun and kill a (giant, blue and yellow) macaw?
How can killing someone's pet be legal and go unpunished?
BTW: also fuck the guy that stole my phone from my car the other day: wanker!