edit: and a hearty THANK YOU to FC family for giving me a place to dump my shame.....
Fuck feeling shame over something you had no power over. You have done nothing wrong & don't forget that man.
Reading some of the replies here fills me with sadness & anger. I fucking hate pedophiles with a passion & made me think about events of 20 years ago.
When I was 14/15 my best friend lived spent weekends with his dad who lived in the ghetto & I often went with him. His old man was absent at best so we had total freedom to do whatever we wanted. Around the corner a bunch of older guys 20-35 lived (i think the others were just renting rooms cheap) but my mate knew the house owner so we often ended up hanging out there.
From the get go my spidey senses were tingling but the guy always had more than enough alcohol & cannabis to keep the party going & was a pretty cool guy overall but shit did not add up. I was very streetwise by then & always got my own unopened beverages from the fridge etc.
This was a guy in his early 30's who was spending plenty of money freely & I mean he would take us wherever we wanted & drop cash for no fucking reason. I even asked him why he was hanging out with teenagers & he explained that he pretty much wanted to be like a teenager still & just party.
One Friday night I was smoking weed with my friend in this guys lounge room & he was wrapping dozens of cheap toys for his upcoming "weekend in paradise" (his fucking words). Since he worked for Qantas he only paid 10% for his flights so he could afford regular short breaks overseas. Curiosity got the better of me & I asked him why he was bringing toys with him & he claimed to hand them out to street kids in Thailand.
I was feeling real uneasy, left his house & never returned. Something was just fucking off with this cunt. The strange part was how I was sure he was a pedophile but he had never made a move on me or my friend & genuinely just seemed to want to hang out, smoke weed & listen to music.
A few years later there was a royal commission into police corruption & a part of that was the police protecting a powerful organized pedophilia ring with judges, lawyers, politicians etc. This was major front page news for a few years with plenty of dirty pedophile necking up because they were exposed. It was big enough to have a wholesale clean out of the senior police.
I was reading the paper at work one day & the front page had a guy sitting in a big ring/tyre towed behind a boat with 3 or 4 young children sitting with him. An action shot where they were all smiling & having fun. It was the same cunt from Redfern & it turned the article was about how he was the one that organized "sex tours" for pedophiles due to his airline connections.
Everything made sense & I felt pretty fucking lucky. To this day I am convinced that this evil man kept his impulses in check when in Oz & since he could afford a long weekend in Thailand once a month would abuse children at will over there. We were just to keep him feeling good I suppose or maybe we were too old for him to fuck as the kids in the photo were well under 10.
I don't remember his name now but I think he got a pretty light prison sentence due to his contacts. I really hope if he is alive he is suffering something that leaves him in agonizing pain with every breath he draws.
This should happen to every convicted pedophile
In my country we would call that straight up murder