Ok, this one may get me a warning or worse but FUCK YOU fuckcombustion.com for the most broken and asinine account verification process going.
As many of you may already know, a number of email providers will filter any mail that has "fuck" in the FUCKING DOMAIN NAME! This should be obvious to ANYBODY running any kind of website
I had an incredibly frustrating time initially setting up my account. For some reason, after many, many failures to get my account verification email through Comcast for some reason one got through.
However, today I tried to change my email address associated with my account to my new gmail address. Well, guess what...Google screens mail with "fuck" in the FUCKING DOMAIN NAME once again leaving me with an inactive account.
I tried to go back and use my comcast account (which is still active) but couldn't get the verification email through their servers because it has "fuck" in the FUCKING DOMAIN NAME!
And no, its not in spam folders either at the ISP or in my Oulook nor is the FC mail accessible via my ISP's web mail interface. It just doesn't get through.
So, I was left with a completely broken account.
I nthen had to set up a third address, with Yahoo, to get ta damn email verification from FC because Yahoo is breaking up and failing in every way possible so I guess at this point they don't care if "fuck" is in the FUCKING DOMAIN NAME.
FC...listen up. This is shit stupid, its a known problem (I know you know about it from my initial issues) and you need ANOTHER FUCKING WAY TO VERIFY ACCOUNT CHANGES/NEW ACCOUNTS.
May I suggest a few that any 6th grader could probably think of:
1. Send the verification email out under a different FUCKING DOMAIN NAME. This should be really easy to do.
2. Set up an alternative where a verification link can be sent as a text to a phone. Many others already do this.
But the way it is now will choke membership sign up and frustrate the FUCK out of existing members who just want to change some of their account data.

Sigh...I feel so much better now. LOL