Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
'Guilty of being too nice'? Sorry, Joyce you will need to examine deeper if you are purposely seeking an answer to any of this. Looks like you will have enough time to sort that out.
The fallout from this incident is still reverberating and has shed some much needed light on the subject. She may seem more remorseful than say seeking sympathy to some. But the whole permissive nature of the that prison allowed for this kind of thing to escalate to this tragic conclusion. Her own guard should have been up every time she entered the prison grounds. That was her first and largest offense in this manner. IMHO. Oddly, most guards become more cynical about people in general and become more confrontational over time from being exposed to ugly nature of prison conditions. Although, in this circumstance, it was top to bottom complacency that allowed for this.
Even in the Stanford prison experiment, a psychological experiment which was conducted with collage students, showed all the ugliness associated between guards and prisoners. To such a degree that they had to stop the experiment.
Have we learned anything from this? The short answer is NO! Oh by the way, Fuck Guantanamo.
If there is any lesson to be learned from any of this. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated by psychopaths.
Much less those who have nothing better to do than to plot 24/7 for an escape.
A lot of the other prisoners were beaten and abused because of the 'investigation'. Sowing more anger inside an environment already inhospitable for those prisoners who may genuinely have a desire to turn there own lifes around. I seriously hope that some good will come out of this. How we treat our prison population is reflective of our society as a whole. People who seek to reform themselves should have some of the tools they need to succeed in the outside world. Warehousing people for being 'bad' only makes for more hardened criminals.
She should definitely go straight to jail for her actions, no question in my mind. But, It would be a greater tragedy if she became a bad egg over this and we have not learned anything from this. Fuck using a single person as a scapegoat and ignoring the much larger systemic problem. At the very least, she should have been screened beforehand and possibly rejected for the position. Only professional people and people emotionally equipped for the job should have employment in a correctional facility. Fuck the incarceration system for putting all the blame and scapegoating on it's prison population.

The fallout from this incident is still reverberating and has shed some much needed light on the subject. She may seem more remorseful than say seeking sympathy to some. But the whole permissive nature of the that prison allowed for this kind of thing to escalate to this tragic conclusion. Her own guard should have been up every time she entered the prison grounds. That was her first and largest offense in this manner. IMHO. Oddly, most guards become more cynical about people in general and become more confrontational over time from being exposed to ugly nature of prison conditions. Although, in this circumstance, it was top to bottom complacency that allowed for this.
Even in the Stanford prison experiment, a psychological experiment which was conducted with collage students, showed all the ugliness associated between guards and prisoners. To such a degree that they had to stop the experiment.

If there is any lesson to be learned from any of this. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated by psychopaths.

A lot of the other prisoners were beaten and abused because of the 'investigation'. Sowing more anger inside an environment already inhospitable for those prisoners who may genuinely have a desire to turn there own lifes around. I seriously hope that some good will come out of this. How we treat our prison population is reflective of our society as a whole. People who seek to reform themselves should have some of the tools they need to succeed in the outside world. Warehousing people for being 'bad' only makes for more hardened criminals.
She should definitely go straight to jail for her actions, no question in my mind. But, It would be a greater tragedy if she became a bad egg over this and we have not learned anything from this. Fuck using a single person as a scapegoat and ignoring the much larger systemic problem. At the very least, she should have been screened beforehand and possibly rejected for the position. Only professional people and people emotionally equipped for the job should have employment in a correctional facility. Fuck the incarceration system for putting all the blame and scapegoating on it's prison population.
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