The DEA is already trying to recover from all the
controversies within their own department including scandal over the resignation of the
former DEA chief.
The Schedule 1 statement was in a FOX interview regarding heroin and Mexico. He doesn't seem ready to take up the fight to remove the demand side of the argument for the war against drugs from entering the country.

I sure don't want any money going to these drug cartels. But this department has undermined that by doing business with them on several occasions.
Fuck me for even trying to reason with their twisted logic.
Even if the #1 drug cartel man is caught, there is so much corruption on the inside, that he can have men make tunnels for him from his jail cell. As if, somehow their prison system could not have possibly seen that coming.
This department has a false 'law and order' stance and seems oblivious to what most citizens understand. How many people are in jail RIGHT NOW over this being a SCHEDULE 1 drug.
That is reason alone to reclassify.
So even if the DEA claims to have marijuana on the back burner, they can discriminate as to how/when/where/what they can enforce it. Much like a traffic stop or a tax audit. (they finally got Al Capone through tax evasion right) Whatever is the political climate of the time will determine the severity of said law enforcement. Sounds indiscriminate, well don't be surprised if you find some
small research to support that.
Fuck 'a War Against Some Drugs'. Fuck the top to bottom corruption created and perpetrated from this war. Fuck the jack-boot mindset, Fuck the system for turning it citizens into criminals over FUCKING POLITICS and headlines. Fuck everybody in government for waiting for some other department to take this subject seriously, and take action only when all other unreasonable actions have been exhausted. And Fuck drug cartels for fucking everything.
In war, truth is the first casualty.
Aeschylus Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC - 456 BC)
Oh, and Fuck history for repeating it self.