When were ya!?!I'm still not to the "normal
Sorry I dont understand what the big deal is??
How the fuck else does one get circumcised?
This is the fish that took my 'wind sock' when I was four.
Sure it was a tight fit, but he was delicious & I still use the windsock to go bungy jumping to this day.
I have recently tried my hand at soccer commentary (or 'football' to the euro-trash)
I think ima natural at it. Im hoping the negotiations for my new contract go smoothly once I can get the network to answer my calls.
well thats it mofo's.
I gotta get back to the salt mine that is home renovating.
It turns out that unlike myself, concrete is unable to lay itself.
you all take care & have another giggle on me.
well not me but this bloke................
I think he lurks here & has been stealing my material.
That's great! Yesterday, we did a parking lot drug deal with @ChippyMalone [dear law enforcement agents, That was a Joke,. Really. put the warrants back...], ... poor thing was TERRIFIED that G'ma Dabs was gonna end up being a gangsta, so we met in a public place to exchange gardening tips, hugs, and @Stu 's phone number. I had, indeed, dabbed before going, so poor Chippy got to meet Really Happy G'ma Dabs!So, yesterday I had the opportunity to meet @Melting Pot and @DieHard.
Great guy's! Fun to hang with. I wasn't expecting @Melting Pot to show up in a fishnet shirt and leather pants but still, very cool guy. With a giant hole in his chest of course!
@DieHard fits in well too. A weed nerd for sure. Again, I was surprised with the tracking ankle bracelets from law enforcement in 6 different counties but hey, I'm friends with @dorkus_molorkus too!
It was nice meeting up with a few FCers and not walk away with herpies.
It's days later and I must confide that I still have rug burns on my taint.So, yesterday I had the opportunity to meet @Melting Pot and @DieHard.
Great guy's! Fun to hang with. I wasn't expecting @Melting Pot to show up in a fishnet shirt and leather pants but still, very cool guy. With a giant hole in his chest of course!
@DieHard fits in well too. A weed nerd for sure. Again, I was surprised with the tracking ankle bracelets from law enforcement in 6 different counties but hey, I'm friends with @dorkus_molorkus too!
It was nice meeting up with a few FCers and not walk away with herpies.
Hi all,
I hoping everyone in my favourite corner of the internet is doing well. Since @momofthegoons called me out, here I am to say hi to all of you beautiful people and @mvapes . However, motg - first you call me out and then you publicly post a picture of me doing my community service for public masturbation? With friends like these who needs enemas? I also want to note that both of those masturbation pictures are Canadian.
I have come to share with everyone an update on STFU. As you all wouldn't remember, the last we heard from STFU he was on his way to uncle @dorkus_molorkus for "training". We figured he was young enough that he wouldn't remember it. That's why we had dorkus film everything.
First, dorkus' place was messy, so STFU had to do some cleaning. Things were so messy dork didn't even have any pants to wear! STFU learned quickly how to separate "completely soiled" from "mostly soiled".
As STFU got bigger, they had to get a little more resourceful in keeping him in place. Is that a knife pointed at him?
Now STFU has come home and is doing great. Here is a recent shot. We're not sure what was done to him, but his hair is always like this without electricity or styling. What's really disconcerting is his ability to turn on vibrators just by being around them. Its a fun game while walking through the mall though! Plenty of "oh, that must be my phone buzzing" going around.
Thanks again to dorkus for taking caring of my boy this whole time. I hope everyone else is doing great and having a great day!
Who's the guy sitting behind @mvapes?